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Thread: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

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    Smile Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Hello I felt the need to start this journal in order to share my views and astral experiences as well as to check my own progress. I would always love to hear about a new point of view, advice, questions or anything else on your mind, so you are always welcome to comment

    A couple of people I will probably mention on my journal:
    Neville Goddard (1905- 1972): he was an author who had great influence on current New Thought and LOA movement.
    Quote: "So, placing yourself there, you begin to think from it, and not constantly starve yourself by thinking of it. So I will go and prepare it, and preparing it I will dwell in it, and begin to think from it."

    Jane Roberts/ Seth Speaks: Jane was the author of the Seth books- books that were dictated by the entity that goes by the name "Seth" (you guessed it). This book is the reason why I got interested in OBE and started reading Monroe's books. Interestingly- many of the things Seth had said go hand in hand with Monroe's writings.
    Quote: "Consider your present self as an actor in a play; hardly a new analogy, but a suitable one. The scene is set in the twentieth century. You create the props, the settings, the themes; in fact you write, produce, and act in the entire production - you and every other individual who takes part. You are so focused in your roles, however; so intrigued by the reality that you have created, so entranced by the problems, challenges, hopes, and sorrows of your particular roles that you have forgotten they are of your own creation."

    Robert Monroe: I don't really feel the need to introduce him since most of you here know him.

    Can't wait to write and share. Have a fruitful day!
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Let us start with my first "psychic" experience, if you can call it that. I was about 5 years old and I was playing with barbie dolls in my parents' room, alone. My parents were close by, in the living room area. I was sitting on the floor, then suddenly I started hearing these hoarse breaths next to me. I stood up. There was no one in sight. I was feeling something very cold next to me. I froze. I know there was an entity next to me in the room. I didn't see anything but I could hear and feel it was there (I felt the cold that was emanating from it). I took a deep breath and ran away to the living room as quickly as possible. I knew where I felt it was so I just hoped I wouldn't go right through it (it being he/she). I didn't tell my parents or anyone so no one would think I was crazy since my family is very "logical".

    My thoughts are:
    1.Why would it happen only to me and not to anyone else who stayed in the house in that moment?
    2. I think one of the possible reasons for why this incident happened is- To push me into believing in the paranormal, so my progress would speed up. What's better for making you believe in something than to actually perceive (feel?) it?
    3. A freaky guess would be it was my own higher self (from the future?) trying to push me into the right direction by showing me of a larger reality. That things that we can not see actually exist!

    I would love to hear your comments.
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Dreams and thoughts about aliens:

    I think I should really post my opinion regarding aliens and the "greys" as this topic has been on my mind for a while now. The entire idea of aliens used to scare me to death ever since I can remember myself. As a child, I used to look out the window of my bedroom in search for signs of curious eyes looking in or search the sky for UFOs at night. Not to mention the shivers I got everytime I heard the theme song of The X-Files! lol. So you could imagine how much all of the UFO talk around the forum stressed me out. I even gave up a few OBE oportunities I got after lucid dreaming since I got too scared of accidently running into "something" or "someone". So I gave it some thought and these are my conclusions:

    1. Every person sees aliens during OBE in the "body" their minds assume they have. Monroe perceived them as magnificent light. Some may see them as humans. Around here, most people seem to perceive them as "greys", maybe because their minds are influenced by the fact that other people described them as such. It could be also influenced by modern society's defenetion of aliens and the way they are portraited in movies. It causes our minds to expect to perceive them in some form or the other. And who knows which came first? the portrait of the aliens from the movies or the actual meeting, perceiving them as such? It's like the chicken and the egg.
    2. The fact that aliens are different from us doesn't mean they're "bad different". Dogs have different bodies than us, humans, too and most people adore dogs! It's often the fear of the unknown that gets to us.
    3. I think the best way to actually stop fearing aliens- and anything at all- is taking control. Try meeting them instead of them trying to meet us.
    4. Last but not least- I know we have A LOT to learn from them. So we may as well take advantage of that, if a meeting arrives.

    PS- a weired thing happened during a regular dream, today- I was having a hard time with putting together something I needed and felt panicked because everyone else succeeded. Guess who came a long? a helper! I actually summoned a helper during a regular dream. He helped me put it together. But then, sadly, I faded and woke up
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    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Just a thought: in a probable reality it is very likely that little boys wear mostly pink and little girls wear just blue and green. And also- I remember Seth had said, and I quote:
    "In some probable realities, Christianity as you know it did not flourish. In some, males did not dominate. In others the makeup of physical matter simply followed different lines. Now all of these probabilities are in the air about you, so to speak."

    That would be so interesting to perceive, don't you think? Also, I had a particularly great OBE on Saturday, I will share if I'll have the time
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Today's quote: “The price of being a sheep is boredom. The price of being a wolf is loneliness. Choose one or the other with great care.” (food for thought) -Hugh MacLeod

    Something weird happened today. I was in the middle of a dream when suddenly- in the dream- I started floating abit so I thought- that's weird. Then- after a few seconds- my legs were really up in the air- so I told the guy next to me- "my legs suddenly started flying and I have no control over them". Then I woke up to find out my astral body actually was pulled out by someone!!! someone was trying to pull me out in the middle of a dream. But then I opened my eyes and was back at the physical. I wonder if the helpers actually tried to pull me out during dreams all this time and that was the first time I noticed it during a dream. Odd things happen when you OBE...
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    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post
    Today's quote: “The price of being a sheep is boredom. The price of being a wolf is loneliness. Choose one or the other with great care.” (food for thought) -Hugh MacLeod

    Hi doncto,
    It is a depressing quote...both so negative, not much to choose among.

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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Dear IA... I know! I thought about it too, but it has some truth to it. At least for me. Sometimes I've think I got the naivety of a sheep and the lonelyness of a wolf . What a combination! But what can I do, this is the way my life is going, I can't share half my life with the people around me, and that is why I empathise with the wolf part. I can't share a lot- especially with the OBE- imagine a conversation with a co-worker-
    A: "Hey, how's it going, dontco? what have you been up to this morning?"
    dontco: "It's all good, A, thank you! My body was violently pulled out of bed this morning. What are you eating for lunch?"

    But of course, I do agree with you about the quote and without noticing- we all make that choice throught our lives one way or another.
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post
    Dear IA... I know! I thought about it too, but it has some truth to it. At least for me. Sometimes I've think I got the naivety of a sheep and the lonelyness of a wolf . What a combination! But what can I do, this is the way my life is going, I can't share half my life with the people around me, and that is why I empathise with the wolf part. I can't share a lot- especially with the OBE- imagine a conversation with a co-worker-
    A: "Hey, how's it going, dontco? what have you been up to this morning?"
    dontco: "It's all good, A, thank you! My body was violently pulled out of bed this morning. What are you eating for lunch?"

    But of course, I do agree with you about the quote and without noticing- we all make that choice throught our lives one way or another.
    Dear dontco
    I have accepted the life terms of the earth so to speak, and found my peace more and more.
    Lonelyness of a wolf?? I thought they lived in a tight community, with a harsh controlling system holding each others in line, just like the system on earth...and naivity of a sheep...well that is better for me at least...I rather be kind than harsh and hard....I have made wolf cry and become soft too with my kindness....
    I am happy to have this community and feel the kindness and love and everyone trying theires best....I love it.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    IA, That's true! I can see I found quite an expert on the life of wolves here I haven't really put that much research in their lives so far, though. I guess humans sometimes judge animals' character (and sometimes other humans, too) before getting to know "the real them". That's a good lesson for us, silly humans.
    I do love it here, in the forum, but I would also love to have people in my "real life" who would understand everything I'm going through and I would feel comfortable enough to share with them.
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    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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  10. #10
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post
    IA, That's true! I can see I found quite an expert on the life of wolves here I haven't really put that much research in their lives so far, though. I guess humans sometimes judge animals' character (and sometimes other humans, too) before getting to know "the real them". That's a good lesson for us, silly humans.
    I do love it here, in the forum, but I would also love to have people in my "real life" who would understand everything I'm going through and I would feel comfortable enough to share with them.
    Yes dear dontco, it would be nice, but I have stop dreaming and as I wrote, accepted the life termes of earth living and found my peace and contentment
    I hope your wish will come true though.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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