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Thread: Regular Sleep Stage?

  1. #1
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    Regular Sleep Stage?

    Hello, dear dreamers! I wanted to ask for your opinion on something. For a long number of years I've been having these "non-dreams" sometimes, in the night. I'll give you an example.
    About two nights ago I went to sleep at 00:30 after listening to Hemi-Sync a bit that day. I thought about the usage of it and how it should help my spiritual development during the day and I assume I also thought about it before going to sleep. So suddenly I "clicked out" at 02:02 AM and Realized I wasn't asleep up until now- what I remembered from the entire time was a guy who explained to me the importance and usage of Hemi Sync- for a very long time, I think the entire time.

    That was the only thing I remembered when I "clicked out" since I'm sure I wasn't asleep during that time- or at least I wasn't deep enough. I didn't feel sleepy- like when I usually do when I wake up in the middle of the night. These has been happening to me for years now- I don't recall how long but I usually just realize I'm not asleep and, let's call it, "seeing visions", then "click out" and get frustrated because I understand I didn't sleep half the night, again, and I have to get up early the next morning. And I have insomnia, too, so that just adds to the problem

    These are not dreams, and I usually don't remember them, at least consiously. Sort of "visions" and I don't think there is a guy teaching, everytime. What do you think about it? normal?
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  2. #2
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    Re: Regular Sleep Stage?

    Hi dontco,
    I am not sure I understand what you mean, but if you have noticed your awareness than I understand, because awareness never sleeps. First time when I noticed this I did mix it up with other things....mostly the body sleeps, and the parts what has to sleep too for us to feel rested, I do not know what those parts are called, some call them the dreambody. What makes us tired is worry, and mixing up things...I am just started to investigate this part....What also makes us tired is when we do not understand in right way, it consumes much energy.
    I am not sure I did make any sense.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Regular Sleep Stage?

    I've had this happen: I call it "a visit to the akashic records in the liminal state". I've received very specific and relevant information in this state. Not often, but it happens. Don't know what 'normal' means, so I'll stay out of that.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Regular Sleep Stage?

    Lovely IA56- thank you for replying! You are always so nice and respectful and I truly appreciate that. And it very well could be that the body was asleep and the other parts- the dream body, as you called it, were not and that was the reason for not feeling rested. Makes a lot of sense.

    Dear CFT- that actually sounds awesome! and it's very logical since I thought about this problematic issue a lot during the day and before sleep and so- access was granted! It's very cool that the soul knows it's way around when the ego doesn't take charge. And about normal- I think no one could call me ordinary for a very long time since the road I'm taking isn't so (and I guess the road of most people who are reading this post isn't ordinary, also. No offense, of course! ) I guess getting access to the akashic records while lucid would be very beneficial, also. And maybe I would actually remember something, next time? I feel like I'm still in the beginning stages, though, with guides helping everytime I try to exit so maybe when the time will come... Maybe even one day I'll be able to act as someone else's guide, it sounds like fun and I want to help did you ever act as a guide for someone else?
    Last edited by dontco; 3rd September 2014 at 08:57 AM.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Regular Sleep Stage?

    Bumping this thread for CFTraveler to see! just intrested to know if you were someone's helper...
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    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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  6. #6
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    Re: Regular Sleep Stage?

    I think to some extent we all are. I have had many dreams in which I'm helping someone achieve something, and I'm sure you do too. I think there's a lot of stuff we do that we don't 'quite' remember. A nice deep meditation will let you take a peek, even if you forget right after.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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