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Thread: Begeegs AP Journal

  1. #11

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal

    The last few days, I got up to Condition B in HemiSync for the evenings and got to decent level of relaxation. I stimulated chakras before stopping after about 1 hour.

    This morning, I woke up at 2:30 AM and went to meditate in the other room, but immediately thought of aliens (when I was quite young, I read a bit of Whitley Strieber's Communion and it scared the crap out of me. Been reoccurring nightmare material every since) and had fear, so went back to my own bedroom where I got to the beginnings of trance however, my wife was tossing and turning, so I wasn’t able to continue. I tried stimulating the little ticks and tried to focus straight ahead. I also successfully ignored restless leg as now I understand that it is my physical body trying to sleep.

  2. #12

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal

    Woof - my wife gave birth and have had my hands very full, so no practice. Hopefully I can start this week.

    I have made it to Condition C/D with HemiSync which has more or less given me the restless leg thing. It also is incredibly difficult to stay awake during either of the two. I have to use these to drown out sounds in the house at the moment, but I suspect that will change soon and I will have the 4 am wake ups shortly once readjusted time wise.

    I also have been reading Kurt Leland which I learned from this forum. Great book and I will probably adopt some of his methods.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: Begeegs AP Journal

    Begeegs- perhaps you should talk to Mr. Strieber about your fear- if you read his diary, you may discover that he has changed his mind or rather, gone beyond the fear of the experience and has found his spirituality through them, instead of 'in spite of' them. This might make you feel better.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #14

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal

    Thanks CF - I think that I more or less faced this anyway. I think that they are challenges for me to overcome these fears before I move forward. I have had similar things after this, but it hasn't bothered me. Now I don't see these, but I have other issues now


    Finally able to begin again. However, it seems to be back to square one, sadly. I had the restless leg thing which really disrupts the meditations or even trying to fall asleep. I probably did 20-30 minutes of this 'pressure' before stopping. I think that it occurs when I am very tired and potentially because I am in my bed (albeit facing the other way to discern between sleep and practice) - but I may try a bit more with this to see if the pressure dissipates or changing to a sort of reclining chair.

    That being said, it is good to be back practicing again

  5. #15

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal

    I laid down to have a meditation last night and had restless legs again. This is really starting to ruin any meditation attempts that I am having. I try to persevere, but the restlessness goes up my legs to my torso and it is difficult to concentrate.

    I woke up early to the same thing this morning. I found that there appears to be a medical condition for this which I was unaware about. There appears to be a link between this and caffeine, so looks like I am going to have to quit it. Probably for the best.

  6. #16
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by Begeegs1 View Post
    I laid down to have a meditation last night and had restless legs again. This is really starting to ruin any meditation attempts that I am having. I try to persevere, but the restlessness goes up my legs to my torso and it is difficult to concentrate.

    I woke up early to the same thing this morning. I found that there appears to be a medical condition for this which I was unaware about. There appears to be a link between this and caffeine, so looks like I am going to have to quit it. Probably for the best.
    Hi Begeegs1,
    When I get cramps in my legs or other parts of my body I take pure salt, not much but little and drink a big glass of water, after some half minut it will be gone.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #17

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal

    Thanks ia - I have started to take Vitamin B as it seemed closely related to some deficiencies that I experienced. So far, no more restless leg. Apparently, it is a medical issue and I have had it for as long as I can remember, but only now have really looked at it.

    Anyway - I have resumed practice as my in-laws have now exited the building and the new born has slowly gotten into a bit of a habit sleeping now. Unfortunately, I lost some concentration, so I fell asleep last night - haha. I will have to build up stamina and hopefully get back to where i was pre-baby. But at least I am posting again!

  8. #18

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal


    Ok - I am back again. The little one is sleeping a little better, so I am trying a couple of things. One which was just a third eye focus which was successful with me getting two different perspectives (an Etheric perspective) and also trying the when I wake up in the night, don't move, but try swinging or another technique (unless i have to use the toilet).

    So although no projection happened last night, I did have a lucid dream where I did project. The dream itself before this was quite revealing with my work. The lucid dream, I think that I need to somehow program myself to do certain things other than the usual (flying). I asked if I needed to be somewhere, when i was dragged to a neighborhood setting. At this point, I was losing lucidity. Not much really happened that was unusual. I believe that I am going to have to explore how to turn lucidity to an AP.

  9. #19

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal


    Unfortunately, nothing new over the weekend Just a couple of dreams despite some other efforts. I implemented some verbal reality checks (what am I doing, where am I) during the day, but expect that it will take a couple of weeks for those to kick in.

  10. #20

    Re: Begeegs AP Journal

    I forgot that in a meditation yesterday, I experienced someone going into great detail (just audio) of how things worked. I wish that I could remember more of this because it was very detailed an in everyday speak rather than symbolic speak (which I get sometimes).

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