Gratitude list. What are you grateful for today? Gratitude is the quickest way to raise your vibration and manifest and it feels SO good.
this one may be long since my first written one in awhile
-gratitude lists
-being grateful
-sound healing musics such as heart as heart chakra music and theta beats which clear my mind,and make me feel wonderfully relaxed
-going to a tanning bed today for the first today and a nice place right in the neighborhood i liked. i was fearful this first time,but now that that i know what to expect,next time will be better
-the protein i've been getting and how hard my nails and muscles feel from it
-how pretty i looked today and realizing how pretty i really am
-protein rich foods
-sleeping wonderfully last night and realizing how important night sky is for sleep&peace levels is.
-my beautiful blue eyes,and how stunning they really are i've been noticing. they're huge and look like doll eyes.
-instagram and finally joining and realizing i had repressed joining for so long,but i actually quite enjoy the creativity it allows me and the resource it can be for me
-getting more comfortable and seeing myself in new ways by taking selfies
-realizing how thin i am, and how small my arms are
-that mercury retrograde is almost over
-being better then ithink i am
-deciding to tell D how furious i was with him and the freakout i had at him,and how wonderful and present he was replying right away,and dealing with my craziness and asking if i'm ok and asking questions and talking with me,and talking with me the next morning too right away saying good morning and asking if i'm ok and about last night,trying to resolve it with me to find out what he did wrong. so super sweet considering i don't know him well yet at all and i think he tried making me feel better later that next night,too. i really like him. it goes back and forth so far our communication but he shows so many signs he likes me a lot and is someone for me.
-thankful for a new romantic possibility in my life
-thankful for D's dreamy eyes
-thankful for the wonderful sweet feeling of release after freaking out at D the next morning,and how vulnerable and soft i felt and just relieved. it was nice.
-realizing i need to get a hold on myself as well,and that it's all me,it's all within,my own resistances.
-being able to work in a creative field
-being crazy and interesting,and having an interesting life,and being me
-being a girl
-sweet things to think about
-amazing music that speaks about what's exactly on your mind. amazing how that happens
-great art
-how great my chest looks
-physical exercise
-being inspired
-my artist mindset
-that D seems like a romantic,poetic type and a guy who would really be there,and a guy who likes unique beauties
-my porch
-knowing i need to just take actions in life,and not make it a big deal. ease and grace.
-that i'm allowing my computer to go and get fixed
-to stop worrying about things that are done,and to just clear the internal resistances. it'll all work out. it has worked out. it's done.
-dejavu and that i had dejavu one of the first times me and D talked
-feeling sexier,and more creative and in the flow lately and feminine. my 2nd chakra is open and healthy as i am feeling my feelings and it feels good. will keep working on this more
-laughing at things
-being silly
-being beautiful as i am
-the law of attraction and remembering it
-relaxing,slowing down,and surrender
-nighttime and daytime. melatonin and vitamin d. peaceful sleep&happiness
-being vulnerable and allowing myself to be. surrender.
-now that this month is coming to a close,seeing things in different eyes,and how it all is lining up and going perfectly,really despite how slow,halted,and blurred it seemed in the moment.
-seeing how things connect and form a story
-hindsight and seeing how it all makes sense
-observing my mind
-being skinny
-being me
-loving me
-seeing how i wasnt surrendering enough at all this month.i was trying to control outcomes and fearful. sunday was so good with allowing me to be feminine and finally let go of that feeling of waiting
-being admired
-good men who make my heart happy
-being a cool girl
-my status in life
-the seo work i've done and seeds i've planted and the pay off it will bring me
-finally getting my check from june this week. finally. finally
-space and solitude
-understanding people and the power of love.
-my kind heart
-how funny the universe can be at times.i wanted to meet after mercury retrograde because it's bad luck starting things during them and look at all the delays we've had meeting.i could get insecure if i didn't realize it was on my part,too and from a metaphysical standpoint i had late october in my head since the beginning.
-my awesome,chic,new winter coat
-all the signs D has shown he does like me in a way that can be serious. even when every time,i think he may not because of my own projection he goes and does the things like no problem. how i asked him to call me randomly during next time he goes to work to leave a vm and thought he'd think i was being weird and just blow me off and act like he forgot and he just replied cute at first then that next day he worked,he replied again saying perfect and sure enough did call later on his break. i was surprised and impressed. every time,i think he'll let me down,he doesn't. it really,really impresses me. how when i freaked out on him and thought he'd ignore me or be mean to me or reply to one or two texts then go away,but instead he stayed there with me til i went to sleep arguing with me asking me whats wrong and what did he do and am i ok. we hardly know each other yet he does this. just maybe,he will be the universe's blessing to me after this hard year. what started out as some random guy i was familar with but didn't know being silly then talking to me and seeming kind of rude and hurting my feelings then telling me i'm beautiful and would i go on date with him,has turned into someone i really like and have a strong feeling about. just maybe,after all this slow&blurred mishaps going on since beginning of october,will turn into a really clear,and quick connection now as the month ends. a connection where will quickly become a couple or something.
-my ideas
-my desire to express
-the internet