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Thread: Help requested, please read!

  1. #1

    Help requested, please read!

    My friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, has experienced 4 spontaneous OB-Es in 6 months time. I am posting on his behalf, as he isn't very "computer savvy".

    The first experience is as follows: He's sitting in his bed, lights up a cigarette, and takes a drag. His vision begins to blur, and he sees himself being pulled out of his body, looking at himself from behind through the wall. Then, he is sitting on a rock, atop a hill, overlooking a lush green valley. There is a stream running through the valley, with trees and flowers all throughout. Very vivid colors, though he describes it as looking through sunglasses. There is a man there, wearing a jacket and pants, and a big knit cap on his head. His feet and nose are a bit wider and longer than normal, but other than that looks like a normal human being. The man says, "The learned professors and scientists are lying to you. They are telling humanity that in about 1 billion to 1.5 billion years your sun will start to expand. Your oceans will start to evaporate, and humanity will not be able to survive this. But, in reality, you only have 10,000 years, because your scientists cannot see inside the core of your sun. There is something drastically wrong and in around 10,000 years your sun will reach critical mass, and your planet will cease to exist." My friend asks, "Why are you telling me this? I'm only one person in eight billion." The man says "Because you are you." My friend asks, "Who are you?" The man replies, "Even if I told you who I was, and explained it to you, you still would not be able to understand. You must do something about this. This is your only hope." Then, an enormous screen opens up across the sky, and 8 dots appear on the screen. It's hard to describe without drawing a picture, but it looks like a constellation. Almost like either the big or little dipper flipped upside down. My friend tells the man he doesn't understand. The man points to one of the "stars" in the center, and tells him, "This is your salvation." The screen closes, and my friend says "People will think I'm crazy if I tell someone about this, I'll get locked up!" The man says "Humanity is using it's fossil fuels and it's resources at an alarming rate. If you do not use that energy for leaving your planet, getting into space, and deep space travel to your salvation, humanity will not survive." My friend says again, "Why me? I am just one person! I am not smart enough to do this!" The man replies, "It's not just you. There are 10,000 others like you. You must convey this message." He then sees himself coming back through the wall and into his body, still smoking his cigarette, scared and full of anxiety, and confused for about 30 minutes.

    If anyone can help, please, we would very much appreciate it. If there is anyone who has experienced this, or something similar, we would like to hear about it. Or, at the very least, if you can re-direct us to someone who might know more about this, it would be a great help. This IS a serious post, you are welcome to call us crazy, but please keep those thoughts to yourselves. My friend is very concerned about this and wants a real answer, so once again, please try to keep it professional.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Help requested, please read!

    Whatever he has experienced it's a vision, not an OBE. Some will call it a 'peak experience', but I'm not sure what he can do with this.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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