having a hard day today so hopefully this gratitude list gets me back up a little bit. this month has been brutal on me and im praying for a miracle.
-having a place to live
-pretzels and hummus
-junk food
-having a good face day yesterday
-drinking a lot of water again and getting on track with that
-acknowledging there is problems here and there so i can see something isn't right and heal it
-knowing happiness is the way to everything we want
-having my computer back finally
-best friend being nice to me. too nice,even which makes me feel kinda worse
-deciding i need to back off the stichomancy,coins,and tarot. it hasn't actually made me feel any better since i started except the coins once when i was in the despair last weekend
-relaxing tibetan singing bowls music
-cozy sleep
-admitting my despair to myself and that i'm not alright,not at all.
-that i can go back to my personal blog in a day since i've been taking every other month off from it
-my ears.i think they're cute.
-when i get compliments on my ears. it makes me feel cute.
-seeing i'm not really going with the flow at all,i'm not surrendering, and i'm trying way too hard
-having my desktop therapist affirmations again
-body oil for making my body feel more beautiful and attractive
-knowing i have resources available to me to boost my happiness and manifest my desires
-ideas on how to untangle my mess of feelings and get to the root of what's bothering me
-feeling that slight feeling of surrender come to me just a bit
-lip balm for making my lips feel good
-sportsbras for being great for working out and making my chest look good
-that i have wine in the fridge to help me out chill out more
-admitting my craziness more and being ok with it
-knowing i just need to slow my mind down and clear it
-my desire for wanting the weekend to be over with and the project to come out already
-having vision come to me about placement of animal illustration
-knowing i can change my reality and turn things around
-knowing at least D isn't dating other girls and is respecting my wishes about one thing
-admitting to myself i'm very dissatisfied with my life
-my computer being nice and fixed now
-knowing i want to be more feminine and more surrendered