-that i texted d yesterday and he texted me today about something random and so we have been texting each other regularly again but still not spark really or flirtation not since he first disappeared after i played said he is like a baby.i sense he thinks too much,though i could be wrong. i'm thankful i've let go of the rush to meet and fear he is unsure of me. now,i'm just enjoying talking to him.
-my beautiful thick hair at the perfect long length i like
-hair ties. i feel more beautiful being able to pull my hair back at times,now
-old vacation photos
-positive psychology
-photo editing apps
-my taste and vision
-being almost just about there done with the project!
-feeling such a positive burst of energy today and feeling pretty positive yesterday,too
-feeling spoiled
-the wonderful art the creative director did for me and how meaningful it is to me,and that she even did a third one for me
-all the artists i got in touch with being interested in helping me out with the art i wanted as well. so many art options.
-art of my beautiful fur angel
-getting my eyebrows threaded today
-tv shows to watch online for free
-sweaters to wear around the house
-mason jars to fill up with water or protein drinks
-having a photographers eye
-finding out money is doing better then i thought with best friend which relieved me
-my ideas
-healing music
-rose water face spray
-the internet
-seeing i'm better then i think iam
-finding out i need to stop assuming so much as i found out another thing i was wrong about
-taking the plunge to transform myself
-finding out about some trendy boutiques in my city with vegan fashion products
-being honest with myself
-quantum physics
-healing your past meditations
-surrendering to my femininity
-loving myself
-people appreciating me
-all the yummy vegan food options i've accumulated since june that i like as options now for thanksgiving. there was so few foods back then,and even now,i still am wanting more variety but there has definitely been a good amount of expansion and i know it'll continue to expand.i love being vegan. it makes me feel so good.
-feeling the feelings i want to feel to attract what i want attract
-a relaxed mind
-determination and inspiration to be better,no matter what life throws at me and to honor love by being love