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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #691
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Weird one. I dreamed I was waking up in my other 'interstellar' body. I had just woken up in my 'outer-space' body, with my other two partners, and I was having trouble remembering how to do some things (technical electronics stuff) I had learned in 'this' earth reality. I attributed my forgetfulness to the fact I was getting no rest, since I live 'during the day' over here and then wake up 'over there' at night, and both realities are beginning to tire me. I woke up tired.
    What I do remember is that I was in some space ship, was working on traveling to another system. Hence the work I had 'learned' here.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #692
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I was having a dream regarding walking inside a new house....a recurrent dream. As I walk in a hallway I realize it reminds me of the house I grew up in, except the floor is different. It's terrazzo instead of the laminate we had. As I walk down the hallway and am ready to turn to the right, I realize I'm about to recreate the same room that used to be in the house, I stop, and think "no, I'm not going to recreate this room, I want to discover what's there instead of creating a room from my past. Then everything stops, and it's like a hallway to nowhere. I try to 'remember' a room for that space, and I start to 'remember' my present house, which has no hallways. As the image of the living room of my house starts to form in the empty space, superimposing itself like a computer simulation, I wake up.

    Later on, I'm walking in the 'new' house that is not where we live, or where I've ever been, as far as I know. I look outside and see my husband, son, and cats, walking outside. I am happy and think it's wonderful that the cats can be outside and get along with the "new" dog, (who is with them), a sort of golden retriever. I go out with them and it's like the outside of a ranch, dusty and open, and they're in a yard with an animal that at the time I find it's the 'new' [farm? large animal]. At the moment I can't remember what it was, and I wonder if it was a 'normal' animal. It was not a cow, horse or llama (or ostrich). I get the feeling it was apelike but very nice and tame, but it was not an ape. Anyway, as we're feeding the animals, I wonder who has been feeding them when we were "away" (and by away I think I mean 'here' in physical life.) My rational mind keeps insisting I think about where we have gotten the food and who brought it, because we obviously haven't been there and the animals are well fed and hydrated. This intensity of thought wakes me up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #693
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I'm pretty sure this is the first time I have begun a migrane in dreamstate and it continued into waking life.
    I was having a dream which quickly turned negative- I began to see a huge snakelike scotoma, and in the dream began to have a screaming fight with the other dream character. Then, half blinded with the scotoma, I was attacked by two men. So as I looked at the scotoma I tried to fight them. I then woke up, to the horrible realization that the scotoma was happening in front of my eyes (but shimmering, in the dream it was in black and white, while in waking reality it was shimmering in colors) and was huge, almost took up all my vision. So I asked Pepe to get me four advil and tried to sleep it off. It amazingly worked, I woke an hour and a half later with almost no headache, but a terrible backache.
    I haven't been 'right' all day.
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    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #694
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    For the last few days I've been having very vivid dreams, but then losing recall as I wake up. I also had a few conversations upon waking, but I don't remember the details.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #695
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    I just remembered a weird dream I had two nights ago- that I was in a dark stone place (I had the impression of ancient Egypt, but I couldn't see anything descriptive- too dark) and was told that I would be turned into the cat goddess Bastet. I lay in a stone sarcophagus and they chanted some things and put stuff on me. Afterwards I got up and touched my face, and it was still human. I asked the attendants when will my appearance change, and what powers will I have, and woke up right away, to find that my cat was sleeping latched on to my leg, like a leg warmer. She was warm and furry.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #696
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    This was a dream that ended in liminal experience. Or rather, started out a dream, and ended in visions. Since I don't remember the visions or voices that happened after I was awake very well, I just count the 'dream' part as important.
    I was in one of those in between places where I see my loved ones that have passed. I see my grandmother, and in a very physical way, around what she looked like around ten to twenty years ago. She was smiling and I was going to hug her when she said "not yet, you'll be coming with me soon". In the dream itself this made me think she was foretelling my death. She has foretold me other things, so I should take this seriously. So I go inside the house I was outside off (in the usual porch), grab my cat that was outside, one that is passed already, and put her alongside some miniature bengal tigers. I feel she is safe there with the other animals, sure she won't get out again, and start to wake up. Then I wake up to visions and I ask something and hear the voice of my grandmother telling me to get on with what I'm supposed to do (or words to that effect.) And I slowly wake up, to visions and views of rotating things. I haven't seen one of those in a while, and wonder about them as they then start 'zoomiing in' and 'out.'
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #697
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Dear CFT, I hope it's ok I'm suggesting this but I remember you wrote about talking to an old lady after an OBE a while ago that told you a similar thing. Maybe your body is trying to tell you something (again, I hope it's ok I'm saying this)... So maybe you should go to a physical examination? I think it's important...
    And also- I think you should not think about these ominous facts too much while awake (even though I must say I don't know if you do) because you're just convincing yourself :/
    Much love,
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    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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  8. #698
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    Not a problem, thanks for your concern- I am due for two kinds of tests soon (routine for the kind of thing I had), so I'm pretty sure it stems from a combination of missing my mom and grandma and having to go through these obnoxious tests.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #699
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    I can't find my pants!

    I was in some sort of a camp situation, and sleeping. I'm rudely woken up, there is some sort of activity happening, and everyone else has left the tent/room. I look around my bags, but I can't find any pants. I can see my legs (they're not mine, In this dream I'm younger, more muscular and darker skinned. I lazily sit back on my bed/bunk, and say "well I guess I'm going to miss it, because my pants are gone." And wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #700
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    Re: CF's dream diary

    A long dream, the kind you interrupt, get up and come back to.
    I dream I was attending my father's wedding. I missed the first one (his second marriage) because we lived in different places and it was a civil ceremony. Anyway, he was marrying a younger version of his second wife. (She married someone else after my father died, so there's no way that could happen if he were alive-but I digress).
    For some reason we had gone to California for the wedding, and many from the family were there. I was in that 'he's dead but alive' reality that I've lived in dreamstate for so long- over twenty years now) The one where we know he died and came back, and wonder how come no one seems to notice except us. In this reality he says he does not remember what happened when he was dead, or simply won't talk about it. This 'other reality' has gone on so long that I simply accept it now.
    So as they're going through the ceremony and I'm sitting in the audience (or church pew) I'm thinking that my dad is a zombie. But not in a gross zombie movie way, more like 'resurrected' way.
    The wedding is over and the party is over. At some point I get up to pee, kick the cat by accident and go feed her, and go back to sleep, back to the dream.
    I'm back at the wedding reception, and for some reason, I'm in charge of getting people back to their respective hotels/airport/countries (making sure they're on their way). Kind of like a 'best man' type of job. There are a handful of nieces and other people. My side of the family (hubby and son) are in the hotel, but some nieces from Puerto Rico need to get back home and have no idea how to do so. It's LA at night and I'm trying to get them a cab without wandering into the wrong areas and getting killed, or getting them killed. I enter some sort of place where we can rent cars or hail taxis or get some sort of transportation, so the lady at the counter says that the best they can do is get us horse-drawn carriages for my nieces, so I agree and we get on them. On the way I see Bruce Campbell on the street, dressed like a movie pirate, and (open carriage) I stare at him, and say "are you Bruce Campbell?" and he smiles at me and says yes, and we start to talk about the pirate movie they're filming in this part of town, and tells me it's from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, and they're shooting a scene. He is very friendly (abnormally friendly, I think, since I'm a perfect stranger he met at night in a horse drawn carriage) and starts to talk to me. My niece starts to get impatient since she has a plane to catch but Bruce is so charming and friendly I keep talking to him. At some point I wake up naturally mid-conversation, before I'm woken up a few minutes later.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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