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Thread: Question about Sleep Paralysis

  1. #1
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    Question about Sleep Paralysis

    I had once experienced sleep paralysis a long time before and I now have researched (for a total of full five minutes) a bit of information about sleep paralysis. I now know that hearing "voices" is normal and nothing to be afraid of. However I wanted to ask:

    The first time I had sleep paralysis (as far as I can remember) I heard the "voices" but I also had this peculiar "scanning" sensation over my body. I felt like my body was being scanned. Obviously I don't know how to describe this "scanning" sensation but it was a feeling similar to when you are slowly getting out of a swimming pool and you can feel the "border" between the water and air as you leave the water.
    When I woke up in sleep paralysis I could feel this "border" or line going going through my knees and continuously sliding upwards to my belly, to my chest, my neck all the way to the top of my head...the moment that the "scanning" sensation left my head the "voices" abruptly stopped.
    I slowly regained movement afterwards.

    Has anyone also felt this before? . In my more recent sleep paralysis moment, the voices when they both began and left it was slow and gradual. My small vision hallucinations also changed and shifted according to my state of mind. Which make sense since they where being created by my mind...but This scanning sensation was always moving at the same slow pace regardless of what I was thinking or emotionally feeling it also had an oddly "mechanical" feel to it, I was awoken by the voices and they also left the instant the scanning ended, very different from my other experienced.

    Just wanted to know if this is also normal. I ALSO STARTED FIRE BREATHING AND DESTROYED A PLANET BUSSHHHWAAGGH !!!

    ...sorry I lost my cool there for a moment..
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  2. #2
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    Re: Question about Sleep Paralysis

    That is an interesting experience of sleep paralysis. I have only had it a few times in my life, but when I had it it had "all of the stuff" that I could think of- the bedroom visitor, the repeated experiences, and one or another assorted weirdness. The one I remember most is the 'scanning raster effect'- but not on my body, on the figure itself as it disappeared.
    I could possibly explain your experience (the paralysis signals being turned 'off', perhaps, or the paralyzing hormone (if that's what it is) being inactivated- but I haven't felt it and have not heard this described before.
    Did you find that after the scanning feeling you could move?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Question about Sleep Paralysis

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    That is an interesting experience of sleep paralysis. I have only had it a few times in my life, but when I had it it had "all of the stuff" that I could think of- the bedroom visitor, the repeated experiences, and one or another assorted weirdness. The one I remember most is the 'scanning raster effect'- but not on my body, on the figure itself as it disappeared.
    I could possibly explain your experience (the paralysis signals being turned 'off', perhaps, or the paralyzing hormone (if that's what it is) being inactivated- but I haven't felt it and have not heard this described before.
    Did you find that after the scanning feeling you could move?
    I didn't see anything or had the "visitor feeling" it was just the scanning sensation (which was JUST a feeling, I could not see anything out of the ordinary) . I did not realize I was paralyzed until after the scanning ended. I regained movement slowly (after the scanning ended).
    I googled what a scanning raster was ( because, yes, I didn't know what that was, don't judge me) Yeah what I felt seems similar to that so it's the same general idea, the only small detail I think is different is that a raster scan moves from left to right (or right to left?) slowly or very fast. The scanning I felt however, I think it all advanced at the same time.
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    Re: Question about Sleep Paralysis

    It looks like everyone feels slightly different things while on sleep paralysis. So I understand that there won't be an explanation for every little thing I experience.

    What really bites at my curiosity is the fact that the voices left VERY abruptly. For some reason I had the idea that the voices would always start and leave in a slow and gradual process. Also the fact that both the scanning and the voices left at the same exact time.
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    Re: Question about Sleep Paralysis

    Quote Originally Posted by MooSaysTheCat View Post
    It looks like everyone feels slightly different things while on sleep paralysis. So I understand that there won't be an explanation for every little thing I experience.

    What really bites at my curiosity is the fact that the voices left VERY abruptly. For some reason I had the idea that the voices would always start and leave in a slow and gradual process. Also the fact that both the scanning and the voices left at the same exact time.
    Hi Moo,
    When I read your Writing it comes to me that why the voice left abruptly is because you left those whom you Heard the conversation having you left their freequency abruptly, and the scanning feels like your own energies did get balanced. I have so many times "sailed" or "floated" into others freequency and can overhear conversations and it ends abruptly if I do not stay at the freequency and like float away it ends abrubtly.

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    Re: Question about Sleep Paralysis

    When I project the voices/noises stop abruptly. Don't know if this is any type of explanation. Converse to that, when I'm dreaming with music, it fades slowly as I awake. Maybe you had a quick projection? Just a thought.
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    Re: Question about Sleep Paralysis

    Umm....yeah that makes sense. I don't know if I made a projection I have never done it and I'm not really sure what that means. However it makes me a little excited to see what happens next.
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  8. Re: Question about Sleep Paralysis

    Hello everyone,

    If I may reawaken this thread...

    Yesterday, I raised a lot of energy.

    I did 15 mins of Qigong. Right after that, I did 15 mins of Tai Chi. After that, I just sat there watching TV, for about an hour, and kept doing the "carrying chi" move from the qigong video (hands at the subnavel energy story, inhale-expand hands, exhale-hands move towards eachother).

    Right after that, I just went to bed and slept. I can't quite remember what I dreamt, but I remember the part where my eyes were a little open and I could see a man dressed in black in my room. I became scared. I kept telling myself to wake up and move my body for what felt like a very long time until I was screaming in my head "COME ON, MOVE!"

    When I got out of the paralysis, my ears were ringing very loudly like I had tennitis, and I realized that the man was just my computer chair...

    My ears were ringing so loudly but I was so tired that I could sleep through it, but I was also feeling scared so I didn't want to sleep again. I wanted to turn the TV back on but I was too sleepy to move. I fell back asleep. Now, I'm writing this and I feel that I didn't get enough sleep and my ears are still ringing, though not as severe as it was earlier.

    The ringing in my ears earlier was very very loud, as if I had earphones on and the .mp3 was just that one continuous tone or note.

    This sleep paralysis experience, is it because I didn't "gather and clear" first? What did I do wrong? and if I did not do anything wrong, is this some kind of phase I have to go through when I'm stimulating my energy body? Am I supposed to do some psychic defense before I go to sleep?

    Lack of sleep and tiredness is the opposite effect of what I was trying to do...

    Any input is welcome and thank you in advance :]

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    Re: Question about Sleep Paralysis

    Usually (IMO) dweller-type paralysis has to do with an expanded energy body. There is a tendency to project into the body and cause the figure to appear. Although I can't say that it was becasue you kept accumulating energy until it expanded on its own accord, it may also have to do with your ability to trance out so fast that it becomes hard to control-physical tiredness.

    I also think it's a side effect of an increased or expanded awareness, a step we go through when we are open to nonphysical experiences- the subconscious' (or guides, or whatever) way of testing your mettle.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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