-stress release and releasing of resistances
-hot tea
-pictures of B to look at to remind myself he is attractive. though,i'm still confused about some things,such as why he's so nervous and seemingly inexperienced if he is,i am curious to figure out more. giving it one more chance to see how attractive he is and interesting,otherwise,i'm going to let this go. all the pics i took of him from the party,he is very photogenic and in his candid and tagged pics on facebook that are super recent he is very attractive looking so am wondering what the deal is as to why he seemed less attractive in person. hoping it was his nerves and the weather,and also as friend said,my radar perhaps blurred from D stuff. it is weird,though,as ever since J from my past and I ended,i feel i am much pickier towards men and finding them not as attractive and my radar is blurred as to what's even attractive anymore. like,i know,but am more eh a little bit,likewise,i've also been more critical on my own looks,and others in general since the same year J and I ended,so it's interesting and something that makes me wonder. surely,even i look less attractive in extreme weather and last time we went out weather was extreme,combine that with his nerves and seeming lack of experience,it's not a wonder that i saw him as less physically attractive.
-bubblegum flavored lipbalm
-new inspirations
-how dreamy and imaginative i feel lately
-a protein rich dinner
-my body starting to sculpt and slim again
-the release that came from crying and letting it all out after fight with best friend that triggered other feelings including D things
-the amazing loud couldn't be controlled it was too hilarious laughter with best friend about jokes I had come up with about D and everyone at the store turning to look at us because our laughing was so loud. that good laughter felt so good
-getting a little work done for 2nd career today
-getting my eyebrows threaded today
-delicious muffins i couldn't help but eat more then i should have of
-trusting my beauty more and seeing my beauty as just like a model's beauty
-doing errand for best friend and how nice that felt to get it done and help out
-alternative healing methods using meditation and quantum healing
-my desire to focus on my first career again and how happy it makes me to go back to that more
-music and being a music person. someone who gets into music moreso then cinema
-all the different types of guys i've dated,and my dating experiences. realizing i've had quite the adventures through my dating and some amazing thrilling things manifest. i hate to say it,but,i think i am opening up more to dating now and the joy of it.
-how wonderfully detached i feel
-honoring my pain
-my artist mindset
-my varied interests and unique personality
-laughing at life
-that i've been back on track with my fitness again
-rest,naps,and sleeping in later lately.
-my maturity
-my self-awareness
-that the weather will be warmer tomorrow
-learning more about my wants and who i am as a person
-positive psychology
-that even though my industry makes me very insecure,it makes me focus more on beauty then the average person and have a lot of beauty improving tools and things to keep myself attractive and helps keep me being above average in apperance
-an inner smile,and faith
-all the amazing things there are to do and explore