-mason jars
-beautiful weather today
-sitting on the porch today
-my adorable,stylish shoes that i love and getting some good pics of them i like to post one on ig
-acknowledging my feelings that i feel apathetic,bored,disconnected,and like everyone is living except me. i get that i had to slow down for march,and didn't regret declining things but now i feel like i'm left with nothing,and confused about life,impatient,etc.i feel ishouldn't humor thoughts of B anymore despite all the serendipity i keep getting almost daily,,i need to let go,which i thought i have,but i can feel he's still there a smidge,i need to let go more.i miss E and wish he would contact me. and,i'm really really wanting a night out of clubbing or a great concert,both really,and just want to have fun,exciting summer adventures.i guess a part of me has that fear i won't and i need to let go of that.
-waking up earlier. finally! idk why but my body was just ready to be up.i also did go to a bed a little earlier.i just felt ready. that's actually great. it's been a big stressor holding me back.
-getting super inspired before bed by this one woman i know and seeing how she lives so fully,and does so many amazing things,and to use that as inspiration for my own life,to do more and be fearless.i really do think i'm being held back by not meeting more people.i keep wanting to meet more ambitious people but have yet to. and,just remembering all the amazing people i've met who i admire and what they do which keeps them as admirable people,which is just living their dreams,and being fearless. I so envy her,and that crush on A,even though i know they have their problems too and people admire me as well,but i just want to feel more free,and do more. that's the frame of mind i'm in right now.
-deciding yesterday I had to delete myself off the astrology forum as it's too distracting,and i want to focus more on my dreams. when you focus on your dreams,you just live a different life. you heal from your pain through it,and meet amazing people through it,and use your pain to go higher,and it's just amazing thing. success is the 2nd best "revenge." happiness is the first.
-my cute gray knee high socks. so comfortable and stylish
-delicious cinnamon french toast sticks and banana spread. i love satisfying my sugar tooth and being vegan
-gratitude lists. i already feel lifted to a more hopeful frame of mind now.i keep asking tarot what's the theme for me this lunar eclipse and getting success as the theme for me. i've felt like i'm metaphorically birthing something a few days ago,and so i wonder if i'm on the verge of manifesting some desires. it fascinates me how in tune i get with my feelings and spiritual insights
-how storybook like life is
-coca cola. bad vice, i know.
-my favorite incense
-how long,thin,and tight my legs are. they make me feel so feminine
-edm music . i love upbeat beats. and being in on what's hot
-meditation.i know i need to do more of it. especially with how indecisive i've been feeling. it came to me to delete that profile off the forum because when i start spending more time on them,it does seem to block me from real life social interactions i've found,and so i knew it was time to go as in the past,once i cut out blocks like that,real life picks up. i also have had it come to me i need to finish business letter,which is more then half done,and will also be then propelled forward with life,as it seems energetic symbolic
-sacral chakra work. getting in touch with my wants,and feelings,and femininity.
-frog splits. such a powerfully deep opening stretch.i want to do this everyday.i find it so healing
-knowing that i'm about to enter a new phase of more clearing,and vibration raising,and desires manifesting
-my hair and how beautiful it is
-allowing myself to day dream and dream and believe. from the high rise apartment i am wanting,to the social activities i am craving,it feels good to just want
-reminding myself that i'm where i need to be,and with little things such as wishing i could go clubbing again,and what if i don't,that now is a time for exploring more of other things i've been doing like vegan foods,cocktails,and so on,and everything has it's time and place,and my desires are creating my future,but to appreciate where i'm at,because,as usual,i'll end up looking back on that,and thinking that was a nice time. things have a time gap. appreciate the moment,because everything you enjoy was at one time in the desire stage
-all the new instagram followers and likes lately. crazy. have no idea how people are finding me lately
-astrological appreciation and inspiration
-delicious vegan protein powder i used for a drink last night,and had as my dinner and how good it made me feel
-how slender my arms are
-that no matter what,i have moving in august to look forward to and upcoming business trip in a few weeks
-all the work offers coming in
-being able to leave my door open
-the birds chirping
-remembering spiritual truths
-realizing i'm not going with the flow again,since i'm feeling impatient for action in my life yet blocked on how to actually manifest that,besides deleting one site,and deciding to meditate more,and already with that first thing,i ended up waking up earlier and going to bed earlier which i also felt within was a step needed to help me raise my vibration and manifest the movement in my life i was seeking
-the aliveness of life today with the spring colors and so on
-feeling in the spring time mood
-appreciating the winter and fall i had
-being love
-how cozy and quaint life can feel
-being beautiful
-feeling like i'm too attractive to do certain things,truth be told
-how validating life has been lately,another aspect of coming back to myself
-being honest with myself the last 2 days that i am kind of tired of second business career.i don't want to quite let it go though yet,but i'm obviously not quite enjoying it anymore as much. some parts,i am.
-my style
-things coming to me slightly about what i want to do and where i want to go career wise
-truths coming to me,more and more
-having it come to me more,maybe i do like E more then i think,and feel for him deeper then i realize
-realizing more and more the law of attraction nature of things and how reality can ever-change
-knowing happiness is power,and my religion