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Thread: using dark energy for good cause

  1. #21
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Quote Originally Posted by mystyx View Post
    I felt that is true also IA. From the beginning the clan members are the ones who said it takes souls. They are a warrior race. They had slaves, a trapped soul is just a slave to them. I think you are right about it not really being evil.
    Thank you mystyx.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    By Robert Bruce

  2. #22
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    You replied at 11:11 my time IA. They are set at important pathways to let me know it is the correct one.

    I got this receipt at 11-11-11 11:11:11pm in response to me worrying about a trip I was going to take, and wanting to know if it was the right thing to do.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #23
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    That is wonderful mystyx.


    Quote Originally Posted by mystyx View Post
    You replied at 11:11 my time IA. They are set at important pathways to let me know it is the correct one.

    I got this receipt at 11-11-11 11:11:11pm in response to me worrying about a trip I was going to take, and wanting to know if it was the right thing to do.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #24
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    My brother had a dream a few months ago where he confronted it. He came at it with his sword but it cowered from him and frantically tried to transform into a raven and get away but my brother stopped it. When he saw it was not a threat he dropped his sword. He demanded "why are you bothering us?!" Kushtika did not understand, but said, "We are terrifying but we do not live to terrify."
    My brother isn't out to kill it since the dream, he believes it is not evil. He thinks it is actually extremely sensitive, external psychic/emotions influence its behavior a lot, makes it seem chaotic.
    I will ask him for a more detailed version of the dream, hopefully he wrote it down (tho my brothers suck at writing down important/fantastical dreams)

    I haven't had any experiences with them since June. Ok... well they may have been walking around and making unexplainable noises last weekend at fish camp. The next day I was picking blueberries on top of the mountain and thinking about how I would break the kushtika curse. As I thought that something was watching me from the dense ferns. Despite experiencing a ton of fear I didnt give a crap. My dog completely freaked out tho and was running into stuff and tripping over himself trying to get to the truck to hide. Maybe it was just a wolverine, I expect a dog would be terrified of one. Wolverines make even grizzly bears pee their furry pants. Anyways, I am focused on starting a business right now but I look forward to resuming my investigations. I havent done anything notable in some time, freeing hundreds to thousands of souls from agony seems like something someone should do.

    I was thinking of spray painting "Free the Kushtika souls!" on the side of a cliff along the highway. That would really grab some attention.

  5. #25
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Hi mystyx,

    When I read what you wrote I did remember Dreams what did not make any sense to me until now.....I have had Dreams of transforming from frightening to less frightening ...for me to understand that I have to change my oppinion or my approach towards what I see as frightening, it do not mean it is, it only does awakening my fear because I do have to Little knowledge about it.

    I have also had souls what is in "hellish agonty" coming to me....and when I have said....I bless you....and forgive yourself....they have got Peace and wanished....I take this that when I could see them in my Peace of mind, did give them inner Peace too and theires own inner feeling changed.....

    Thank you, I look forward to hear more about you and your Brothers adventures

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #26
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Thank you for doing that IA. Your help is definitely needed and appreciated!
    It is spelled "kooshtaakaa" in Tlingit

    Thinking about it, the only good thing about them is that they force people to believe in the supernatural. But at such a great expense. It is not right. My goal is that they are all freed and there is no more kooshtakaas. Spiritual inspiration shouldnt come from terrible suffering of others.
    Last edited by mystyx; 23rd August 2015 at 07:58 PM.

  7. #27
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Last weekend I was doing fish camp for 3 days. The same camp where me and my brother met the black snake kushtika.
    The first night I had my brother and our dog "Bucket" with us. There was big time bear action all night, it sounded like a violent bear orgy near us on the river. Bucket didnt make a peep the whole time.
    The second night my brother could not camp with me, and I did not trust Bucket to protect me from bears and other scarier things. So I asked to borrow my sisters dog, "Sira" who, from previous experience I knew would give her life to protect me from bears and kushtikas, because she loves me so much. The bears were silent. The night was unusually quiet and had that high empty stillness to it that seems to push out the normal atmosphere. Something that seems to happen when half-otters are around. The only sound was that from some slow moving creature going up and down the river flats making an unfamiliar call most of the night. I wasn't very scared because I had the ultimate protection and thought it was some bird that only came out at night. But I had to return Sira the next morning.
    The third night I had no dog, I was worried. I would be doing fish camp over night all alone, without protection. My brother gave me his sword- the official bear and supernatural monster slaying weapon.

    A few minutes before my brother and his fiance left some dog I never saw before just showed up- Obviously someone still loves me and looks out for me.

    I was creeped out since I started camping at the spot. This night was no exception. I was after-all sleeping right next to the willow my brother said he saw the creature staring at us from.- He never told me that, only that he felt something staring and he heard high pitch laughing for about an hour. According to legend it dislikes metal, so I stabbed knives and swords into the trees and ground around camp. I imagined they were at the corners of an iron wall that went around the camp. The corner of my tent was slightly outside this imaginary boundary but I didnt think it was a problem.
    I couldn't sleep. The night was silent other than some constant nearby chirping at ground level. I was sleeping with my head near the corner of the tent. The chirping got closer, the animal jumped and scratched against the tent right where my head was. I thought it was a bird trapped against the tent but realized it was a mouse. I dont know what it was thinking or how it knew my position in the tent. Whenever I was about to fall asleep it felt like I was getting pulled out of my body, like I was going to have an OBE. I dont remember the last time I went out of body, so normally I would be for it, but not at this spot, where I met a creature known to be a soul stealer. So I tried to stay awake, however, I eventually fell asleep.

    I was in some kind of fantastical watery heaven. I went there with 4 others. It is hard to describe the place because nothing was solid. Everything flowed. There was a lot of pastel colors that blended and flowed in this beautiful moving mosaic. There was about 5 feet of water covering the landscape. I swam and played as gracefully as a seal. My feet didn't seem to be able to keep up with my hands, like I needed fins for them so I could reach my full gracefulness. There was a feeling of freedom, flow, and joy. My companions tried to keep up with me but they were far less adept and graceful. The water seemed much too shallow for me, but it seemed to be just right for them. I appreciated our differing skill level, not in a competitive or egotistical way, but because they validated the grace of my motions. Streams of colorful light glinted and danced off us as though we were made of streams of light and our movements caused them to unwrap from us and dance in the air. The sky seemed to be full of multi-colred dancing streams of light, they also flowed and skipped across the waters surface.
    It is unusual that in the 'dream' I knew I was somewhere special and I looked and explored all of it with the enthusiasm of a child. Even more highly unusual is that I could see everything clearly and in great detail. Anything I focused on I could experience the full beauty of and know it deeply, without blurring out everything else. I have been to heavens before but it was always like I was looking through a tube with bug screen taped over one end. And I've never had total freedom in experiencing heaven either.
    I felt that the water heaven was an illusion, like playing a game or reading a book, but also that everything is an illusion.

    (Not Dream)
    The afternoon of the dream 4 canadians showed up at the river. They acted like they knew me. Especially the charming blonde who seemed very familiar, and who I got along with as if I knew her my whole life. It seemed like she kept studying my face. They were a whole lot of fun, and funny. I told them that I didnt have anyone to protect me from bears, and the dog just showed up, that I'm lucky like that. "So they sent you a dog" she said - I wonder why she said "they" (I have always wanted to thank whoever is responsible for looking out for me) but I didnt think to ask until they left. "I thought you were coming with us" she said. It wasnt until later I realized that they were all in the dream. I didnt want to look for them because in the off chance none of them remember being in the water heaven. And then I would just be a crazy person following them.

    My theory is that the mouse was a kushtika. It turned into a mouse because it knew how on edge I was and that was the least frightening creature it could have turned into. I think the dream was a water spirit or "kushtika" heaven. I admit that, along with dolphins, otters embody the spirit of water extremely well. I think that is why many water spirits around the world are otter-like.
    Last edited by mystyx; 9th September 2015 at 01:58 AM.

  8. #28
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    Aug 2013

    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Hi mystyx,
    Thank you for your post, it did give me more to understand my Dream my Dream this black huge snake helped me to free agoned soul´s so we did get them up from the dark dungen´s to the fresh air....because it is my Dream it was(soul fragmenst of mine what fear has lossed and make me fragmented) or all my caracters from previous lives where I did not trust me to protect myself so this kusthika was able to Catch me....for me the life´s are for to grow in trust for myself, as I understand I get myriads of chances to develop trust into myself ...and when I am ready or done, then I can go home to the eternity....I can not enter there Before I am sertain who I am...and totally secure about my origin...until then I am here to grow and develop....and I have all the both my created creatures and demons as God send helpers to make me dare to Wake up for real and good....I lack Words I stop here....and I just say....Thank you mystyx for again giving me more keys to understand where I am and what I am working with....

    Last edited by IA56; 9th September 2015 at 11:21 AM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #29
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    I really appreciate your help IA. There hasn't been any more 'for sure' sightings of kushtika lately. But I'll keep a lookout.

    ( btw my 2yr old niece calls my 1yr old neice 'ia' instead of Onyx, now we all do).

  10. #30
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    Re: using dark energy for good cause

    Quote Originally Posted by mystyx View Post
    I really appreciate your help IA. There hasn't been any more 'for sure' sightings of kushtika lately. But I'll keep a lookout.

    ( btw my 2yr old niece calls my 1yr old neice 'ia' instead of Onyx, now we all do).
    Thank you mystyx
    I feel honored by your niece and for you to tell me this, thank you.
    Sending pure love your way

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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