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Thread: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

  1. #11
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post
    I stumbled upon this Robert article about manifestation and I thought it was very nice and might be helpful for some, so I'm posting it here:
    Much love!!!
    Thanks Dontco,

    i have put it in my mental 'to-do' list as i would very much like to read / explore what Robert has to say / offer on the subject xxx
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  2. #12
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    This is also a fantastic thread about what Robert has to say on using LOA! I feel very lucky to have read it.

    LOA pondering: I just had a realization that I wanted to share. I think what we're doing is silly. We visualize (or for me- other things) and then we think that it really doesn't matter because it's "all in our imagination". But who said that it is? Who prioritized what's more important- what happens in the physical or what happens in our imagination. After all- what happens in the physical stems from what happens in our imagination! it is insane, I tell you.
    How could we ever prioritize what happens in the physical if the source of our happenings begins someplace else? it's like Seth said- like a painter will paint a picture and then look at it and think- oh, the picture has an ugly stain! and live it at that even though he can just pick up his brush and change the picture (or something like that- I read it a few years ago).
    What happens in this dimention is a result of what happens in other dimentions. The physical is really not the most important thing! it is only the result. I find this fact very inspiring and awesome.
    Yay life! we're coming for you! we can do it! we can change it and make our dreams come true. For real! The LOA is life changing magic! use your vibration for the better- you're creating your reality anyway, you might as well do it on purpose.

    Thanks Dontco,

    i have put it in my mental 'to-do' list as i would very much like to read / explore what Robert has to say / offer on the subject xxx
    @newfreedom- you're very welcome, love!!! I also find what Robert has to say on the subject very interesting and I hope it would help. You should also check out the link I posted above! he gives a wonderful answer regarding manifestation. Very useful! how fun.

    I will check this video out. You seem to have a great energy and a lot of luck manifesting your desires. It is inspiring.
    @buttercup- thank you! I hope that it would help! it really has the power to do so. You really inspire me with your appraciation thread! you remind me of apprection everytime I see it and you're a very positive person, and that's something I don't see that often in my daily life even though it is a wonderful quality to have.
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  3. #13
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Just my kind of bunny
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  4. #14
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Interesting excerpt from "Write it down, make it happen" (haven't read it yet, but seems interesting! good manifestation advice, always nice to find these on amazon reviews! lol)
    "Writing about the outcome helps you to stay focused, even when you're not focused - or think you're not. The written word keeps the image steady, unwavering, like a lighthouse beam, steady on. It keeps the goal, the intended consequence in mind.
    When you focus on the outcome, write in the present tense, as though you were describing something that is already happening. It call it "writing as reality". Be sure to date your description, because when you read it back later, you will have an eerie sense that you wrote it after it took place rather than before.
    Now dig deeper. Not just the outcome, but the outcome of the outcome. Don't just write about what you want, but include why you want it. Why does it make a difference whether you have this or not? And then keep going deeper - why do you want that? And then deeper still, the outcome of that second outcome and so forth, until you hit the core of it."
    Last edited by dontco; 25th March 2016 at 03:05 PM.
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  5. #15
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post

    Just my kind of bunny
    Yesterday, as we were getting ready to feed our stray cat (we have 'our' cats and also feed a feral cat who decided to move into our backyard about three years ago (he's still wild and hisses at me when I feed him, but doesn't scamper away when I do) and this bunny (a Florida wild hare) decided he likes the cat food crunchies, so they often share. So right about dinnertime my husband was getting ready to bring him his scoop of crunchies when there they were, by the back door, side by side, Goldie (it's what we call him) and Mr. Bunny, patiently waiting. Anyway, it's what this meme reminded me of.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #16
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Yesterday, as we were getting ready to feed our stray cat (we have 'our' cats and also feed a feral cat who decided to move into our backyard about three years ago (he's still wild and hisses at me when I feed him, but doesn't scamper away when I do) and this bunny (a Florida wild hare) decided he likes the cat food crunchies, so they often share. So right about dinnertime my husband was getting ready to bring him his scoop of crunchies when there they were, by the back door, side by side, Goldie (it's what we call him) and Mr. Bunny, patiently waiting. Anyway, it's what this meme reminded me of.
    Awww that's so cute! and pretty amazing to see such a show (and it's very nice of you to feed them, BTW). Cool.
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  7. #17
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Video: How to Change Your Frequency to Change Your Reality

    I like her, she seems nice You can try to listen to what she says if you want to, she gives good advice.
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  8. #18
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    Nice article about manifesting using Quantum Physics hope it will be useful (*cough, cough*, @buttercup, you should read this )
    Quotes I liked: (the article is pretty long, you can only read this if you prefer)
    The bottom line is, Einstein's discovery proved that ALL things broken down to their most basic form consist of the same stuff. What is this stuff? Pure Energy and that it is this One Energy which makes up ALL things. ALLTHINGS!! Everything that exists whether nature, sound, colours, oxygen, the wind, thoughts, emotions, etc., exists only as a result of this very same energy.
    Energy begins as a wave and as observed transmutes into a particle and joins with additional particles that harmonize with it's frequency. To put it another way, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING which exists in the entire cosmos, when broken down and analyzed into it's purest and most basic form utilizing sophisticated scientific tools and instruments, is merely a vibrating frequency of energy which joins together with energies of the same harmonious frequency to form what we "perceive" and as a result experience in the physical world.
    To make it a little easier to grasp and comprehend think of ALL things, including YOU as a vibrating mass of pure energy that is intricately interconnected to everything else. EVERYTHING at it's core consists of pure energy and EVERYTHING is interconnected with EVERYTHING else both the seen (physical) and the unseen. (metaphysical)
    As technology advanced, more equipment became available that enabled scientists to analyze and experiment with these wave/particles more closely and what was discovered as a result of this research is that this energy, these subatomic particles DID consist of waves which behaved and turned into particles based on the individual thoughts and beliefs of the scientist that was doing the observing. It wasn't until then that it was discovered that these subatomic particles/waves,(energy) which make up everything that we can see and experience would literally take form into whatever the scientist who was studying it perceived and THOUGHT it to be!!!
    The subatomic particles (waves) being studied by the scientists responded to, transmuted and appeared as particles (solid objects) based on the individual thought of the scientist who was studying it. In other words it was the scientists mode of THINKING that determined what it would be!!

    In other words the energy being studied began taking form immediately based on the thoughts and beliefs of the scientist who was observing it!!

    If a scientist studied this energy with the expectation (thought or belief) of seeing particles, particles were observed. If another scientist studied them with the expectation of seeing waves then waves were observed. If they were studied with the expectation of first being seen as waves and then changing to particles or vice versa that is EXACTLY what happened!! The conclusion then was that this energy, these subatomic particles acted and responded in exact proportion to the "thoughts" and "beliefs" that the scientist who was studying them had at that moment.
    This discovery further proved to the scientists that anything and everything that exists in our world once existed as a wave (spiritual) and through individual observation and expectation was transformed into a particle (made physical) based only on what they THOUGHT and BELIEVED it would appear as!! This energy, these subatomic particles are directly effected and TAKE FORM based on the thoughts and beliefs of the person thinking them.
    What scientists discovered as a result is that these sub-atomic particles of energy when broken in half (separated) in a laboratory setting have the ability to communicate with each other and that communication is received immediately from one to the other, with ZERO regard to space and time as we know it, regardless of how far apart they may be. This communication, (vibration) was received by one from the other at precisely the same time regardless of how far away they are from each other.

    This communication is NOT subject to time and space!!! Energy doesn't NEED to's interconnected with all other energy. It means that EVERYTHING in the entire cosmos is nothing but a huge vibrating ball of interconnected infinite energy, which has the ability to communicate into infinity with no regard to space and time, and that what this energy joins together to form is based only on individual THOUGHT!!!

    Your thoughts, (which are also energy) which are determined by your beliefs, are broadcast outward into the infinite field of "wave" energy much like a radio frequency, transformed from waves (spiritual realm) to particles (matter) and join together with additional energies which vibrate at a harmonious frequency and join together to shape what you come to see as your life experience in the physical world. YOUR physical world. You quite literally have the ability to mould and shape the various areas of your life, based on how you think, believe and feel! If you don't like the scenes that are being played out in your movie you only need change the script which is responsible for creating them. Remember you are the one that placed them there in the first place.
    Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object (events, conditions and circumstances) that causes it to be there and the outcome is based only on how we observe it. An object cannot and does not exist independently of its observer!
    The Quantum Field is an "Infinite" field of potential. Anything and everything that has, does or will exist, begins as a wave in this field and is transformed into the physical realm, limited only by what can be conceived as truth by the observer!!
    Who is this observer? YOU! Everything in your the entire world in fact is the result of "Your Consciousness as it stands now."Your life will unfold perfectly and precisely just as you "believe" that it will – in fact your life is as it is now because of what you believe about yourself and what you think of yourself!
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  9. #19
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    I thought about something really interesting. That like Neville said, like Joseph Murphy said (and others)- we should use the time between wakefulness and sleep to use affirmations (/visualize). THat's because the subconscious in way more receptive in that state! awesome, isn't it? it's also when some of us, here in this forum- go OOB.
    So... maybe we should try affirmations while at it? so I searched for it a little bit, and found some product- an alarm clock that you should use to record an affirmation and it can repeat your affirmation every minute in the morning. So I'm thinking... Maybe there's an app on iphone? orr something like that. Will check into that. And If I'll fimd some more info, I'll edit this post.

    PS- an interesting term to search would be "tulpas".

    Also- I found this little comment it really liked:
    "When you think from the end, you have already experienced it, therefore you are already living it. That's what think from the end implies. If you are still desiring it, you remain one who still believes you don't have it, you are still thinking of it. Thinking from the end means you have experienced the first manifestation. Now you marry that version of you and like any marriage you are free to get in bed with something else that contradicts your true desire and you are also free to remain faithful to what you have seen and lived in its first manifestational state. Remember the Law of Correspondence, the Field/Spirit whatever you want to call it will respond/correspond. If you believe you lack it, then you lack it. If you believe you already have it (think from the end) then this too proves out. Beth"

    "Neville said that you need (or is best) to induce a state akin to sleep before imagining your desire fulfilled. For me the best time is just as I am waking up as I am still partially sleeping and very much borderline between sleeping and wakefulness

    I imagine/daydream seeing myself in a situation thinking that my desire has already been fulfilled.
    For example I used to get panic attack when I would wake up in the morning. So I what I did was imagine myself driving to work 1 hour after having woken up thinking/pretending that I did wake up relaxed and refreshed without having experienced any panic attack and experiencing a feeling of pleasure.

    So this is akin to imagining a situation where in that situation you think about (kind of reflect) your fulfilled desire as an event that has already occurred, it is already in the past and gives you pleasure/satisfaction.

    I'd coined it as "you are in your future and your fulfilled desire is in the past"
    Also when you are thinking about your fulfilled desire having already occurred, it is not something you can intellectualise. You know it, you have a FEELING of it and it gives you PLEASURE.
    I would say that this feeling of pleasure is not just important but essential."
    Last edited by dontco; 20th April 2016 at 03:09 PM.
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  10. #20
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    Re: The Little Law Of Attraction Corner

    I thought this one was interesting! and I do love how gratitude can change your life. She gives out a process of changing your relationships with gratitude (BTW- she does say you need to visualize the person, I wonder if this is something that we need to do while using telepathy, because I heard it somewhere else, too). You could also close your eyes, while you do this, it may be more effective.

    Found another treasure, here: (there's also a link to a thread about manifesting there, but the link is not valid)

    Robert's view on Positive Thinking:

    Tuning into your higher self and following your intuition, following the bees, is the best way to ensure your physical safety. This is also about creating your own reality, about positive thinking, and about common sense, and about developing your protective senses. There are also magical ways to improve your safety, eg, making protective talismans and etc.
    Robert Bruce

    The law of attraction, universal law, manifestation, magic, Bee Following, are all related.

    Where your attention goes, your energy flows. This is a principal law. It can be applied to manifestation.

    Ritual, visualization, and energy, all play a part in manifesting things and energies into the physical realm.

    To manifest an object into your life, get a picture of the object and put it up somewhere where you will see it frequently. Visualize this coming into your life, as if you already had it.

    For a more indepth explantion, get a copy of The Secret.

    Go to I highly recommend this DVD!!! (some of the people from 'What the Bleep' are in this doco)

    An example of using manifestation and energy:

    A friend approached me several months ago, wanting help to sell her house. It had been up for sale for a year or two.

    I suggested the following:

    1. Tape a 'Sold' sign over the for sale sign in front of your home. Stand in front of this, smiling, and have someone take a picture. Make sure your house is also shown in pic.
    2. Get a new metal picture frame, something fancy and expensive. On the back of the picture, write in bold the price you want for the house, eg, $550,000.00
    3. Place picture in frame and place it somewhere where you will see it frequently in the day.
    4. Every time you look at the pic, imagine the house as already being sold at the price you want. As you do this, raise energy to your heart on the in breath, and on the outbreath breathe out through your arms and hands and into the picture, mentally saying the words 'sold, sold, sold'
    5. Whenever you think of your home or see the pic, think of it as being already sold.
    6. Start getting ready to move, packing and etc, as if house is already sold.
    When my friend did this, her house sold in less than four weeks for a lot more than she expected.
    Robert Bruce

    Last edited by dontco; 11th July 2016 at 05:11 PM.
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