-allowing myself to relax and be easy on myself
-getting that time of the month finally so i can relax from the pms hormones
-glazed donuts
-orange juice
-best friend calling me and reassurances which made me feel better since he didnt come at all
-seeing best friend really isn't with R quite as much as I had thought back weeks ago
-confidence subliminal audio im doing for the month
-vision board pictures
-making my face atomizer and loving it
-getting an new social media pic i like
-my eyeglasses
-buying a neville goddard book today
-essential oils
-my mom coming by today
-becoming less judgemental and staying relatively good with it even when today had several things making me upset
-the internet
-mountain dew
-my mom doing EFT video taking pics of it and how amusing it was to see and to try and help her
-my beauty
-my haircut
-my mom fixing the kitchen lightbulb for me
-seeing best friend doesn't tell R everything
-feeling a little less worried about money things
-that things are fine and are getting better at least in some ways,even if it is slow
-that i'm getting through the month of February and all is fine
-warm water