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Thread: Not Really Getting Anywhere, Help?

  1. #11

    Re: Not Really Getting Anywhere, Help?

    Hey CFTraveler,

    Sorry that it has been such a long time since I last posted. I said I would let you know if anything new happens, not too much has been happening.
    I've been quite busy with school and all of the assessment coming up, but over the past couple of weeks I'm trying once again to nail it. I've been
    reading a few books into Astral Projection to keep it on my mind and find techniques that might work better for me. The advice you gave me a while ago
    has definitely helped with relaxing/meditation. But now I'm just trying to find what's right for me in terms of what technique I need to use. Anyways, I'm just
    a bit hung up at the moment of more books to read, I just recently finished a book called "Astral Projection - Amazing Journeys Outside Your Body".
    It's got some really good information and I'm kinda disappointed that I have finished it.

    So anyways I was just wondering if you had any suggestions of some good books to read, maybe something that helped you personally along the way.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Not Really Getting Anywhere, Help?

    I have a list of AP books that I really enjoy, but they're not 'how to' books, just 'stuff that can happen when I AP' or 'what to do when you AP'. They would be,
    Otherwhere and Multidimensional Man, both by Kurt Leland, Explorations in Consciousness by Fred Aardema (he has a new one out but I'm too lazy to look it up) and some others that I can't think of ATM. Anthony Peake has a couple of OBE books (not 'how to', more like 'this is why'.) All good reads.
    Oh, I forgot, Jurgen Ziewe has some good books out too, check them out.
    That'll keep you busy for a while.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #13

    Re: Not Really Getting Anywhere, Help?

    Thank you for the book suggestions, will have to look into it and see what I can get. And yes, I'm sure that'll keep me busy for a while :p
    Also I think the new book you are talking about by Fred Aardema is "Explorations in Consciousness: A New Approach To Out Of Body Experiences".
    Not sure but, I think that's the one.

    Anyways, Thanks again,


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