1. #561


    -ice cubes
    -going another day this week without soda,unintentionally,and deciding to surrender to it,since my aim is to no longer be the girl who drinks soda and now deciding to go one day a week without soda instead of two.thus far,in that one day the other day,i felt cleaner and my teeth felt cleaner despite still eating other sweets and drinking coffee,and my stomach possibly was flatter too. I have been feeling like my higher self is nudging me to let go of the soda habit and with all of the other new changes i'm making right now in my life,this feels very right.
    -watching a movie
    -throat chakra solfeggios
    -writing out my goals and ideas tonight
    -sangria sorbet i got today. so good.
    -my meds
    -letting go
    -feeling secure
    -feeling abundant
    -getting positive attention from the opposite sex whenever i'm introduced or out and about
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -M being nicer to me lately
    -the hot guy from the other day
    -ginger candy
    -great deals
    -being cute
    -great weather today
    -my favorite sunglasses
    -the fan in my room
    Last edited by buttercup; 17th July 2016 at 05:49 AM.

  2. #562


    -little reconnection things and seeing people from primary career years ago still doing cool things which is inspiring and affirming
    -being able to drink soda today.i really am addicted.i felt such a need for it today,and after felt a certain satiation from it as if it was addicting. however,i'm currently going two days a week without it and it's fine.
    -getting an amazing massage today. the masseuse did such a good job. got the kinks out of my neck and even went longer then the time paid for.
    -the champagne with my massage.i think with my living situation now,i enjoy alcohol even more since it's like a little rebellion,and makes me feel young and free to have something even say the word alcohol in it,or have a smidge of alcohol in it's contents. the champagne was great,and very relaxing. it was my first time drinking a full serving of alcohol in months. i felt it a little more then usual either because it's been so long,or because of the meds,but at least now i know,too i can handle one glass of champagne with the meds
    -a mini driving lesson in a parking lot to refresh since it's been a while since practicing. there's nothing but myself holding me back now from taking the test since i now have the glasses.i think it's been adequate studying and practice time,too and i feel ready so after a few more refresh lessons,i am going to take the test. it actually feels time. wow. while writing this is the first time,i felt that for the driving liscense.
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -feeling relaxed
    -ordering a diffuser i've wanted for awhile for myself last night
    -my eyeglasses
    -having a young looking face
    -M's husband waking me up so i didn't miss my appointment today
    -my style
    -yoga pants
    -going in the grocery store alone yesterday before M came in while she wrote her things down from her class and how i'm getting more competant and capable with the little anxiety inducing things
    -editing some pics i got to my liking and making them look before then how they were edited.
    -my beauty
    -my jobs and what i do as careers
    -feeling peaceful
    -yin yoga
    -insect repellant
    -ice cubes
    -my meds
    -that my weight went down

  3. #563


    -more little reconnection things. so cool.
    -getting room cleaned and more things organized
    -yin yoga
    -feeling nurtured
    -feeling like life is trying to make me happy
    -my style
    -my cheekbones
    -my young face
    -my hair
    -that i get to get my haircut tomorrow. been almost a year since i got it professionally styled
    -little gray baby kitten's eye seeming to be doing a little better
    -having a nice chest
    -catching up on some reading and seeing the book i've been reading as quite helpful now
    -taking life one day at a time
    -something to get excited about
    -feeling secure
    -feeling abundant
    -therapy. it's one thing i had resisted but actually enjoy having in my arsenal of wellness tools
    -protein drink M made me today
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -practicing some visualization today
    -my laptop
    -seeing life work out for me

  4. #564


    -allowing myself to slow down
    -ice cubes
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -the delicious biscuits i had today
    -getting my hair cut today
    -handling my anxiety challenge today and becoming little by little more and more competant and overcoming my anxiety issues
    -M putting $25 in my account last night
    -M stopping at whole foods and asking me if i need anything and picking up some things for me including my lavender oil i just ran out which was awesome
    -getting my diffuser in the mail today and how great it works
    -the tibetan music i'm listening to right now which is slowing my mind down and feels wonderful
    -feeling like all is well,and all is fine
    -my eyeglasses
    -finding out i should be able to get a ride to my dentist appointment friday
    -feeling ready to order first marketing material for new business this year
    -my creativity
    -looking young
    -more job opportunities coming in today
    -feeling at peace

  5. #565


    -yin yoga
    -ice cold water
    -ordering promo material for business venture last night
    -my essential oil diffuser
    -essential oils
    -my style
    -my new haircut
    -my beauty
    -having a young face
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -adding more money to my set aside money
    -my phone
    -finding more yin yoga inspiration
    -coming to decisions and feeling at peace with them
    -hot tea
    -my meds
    -getting some more things done today
    -my new eyeglasses
    -things to look forward to
    -having a ride for my things to do thursday and friday
    -being young
    -learning more about who i am

  6. #566


    -seeing G today. I had a little worry I wouldn't see him again,but yet a semi strong feeling I would. Then,in the beginning of the shift,I started to think maybe I wouldn't and that's ok ,and right as I started stretching,he came in. He made some kind of joke,but I couldn't hear what he said. Maybe something flirty? I tried analyzing later and realized that would've been maybe inappropiate though,so maybe not? He has such a sweet,polite demeanor. I really enjoy him being around,though he makes me nervous. I joked with him that he always comes in when i'm stretching.I was a little more confident today which was good. He didn't chat with me afterwards today,but it was actually strangely busy today after having not been busy for awhile and he stayed the longest so i'm thinking,possibly he didn't because of the other guys there and feeling too shy,or like it'd be too difficult. But,that could just be me being hopeful. Even,still,he was the first one who came in on my shift,and somehow it all feels sort of "right" and even storylike how it's all playing out with him showing up and it suddenly being busier then usual. Very meet-cute the first 3 times of us meeting.
    -yoga pants
    -my job at the yoga studio
    -yin yoga
    -getting my eye pillow today and it looking even cuter then i thought it would
    -the beautiful cat who comes to my yard that I call "mom"
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -my stylish haircut
    -doing my 2nd week now of going 2 days a week without soda. it's a little hard,but it feels important.
    -that i get to go to the dentist tomorrow
    -my essential oil diffuser
    -being given money today
    -adding more money to my set aside account
    -depositing cash i had on me finally
    -getting a draft 2 done on my most recent article i'm working on
    -feeling like i get a lot of positive attention for my looks
    -ice cold water
    -cake pops
    -my phone
    -doing my anxiety challenge today and also finally checking out a cool lunch spot that had been a place i wanted to try for years and is a block away from my job
    -having class
    -looking young
    -my eyeglasses
    Last edited by buttercup; 22nd July 2016 at 01:59 AM.

  7. #567


    -being able to have soda today
    -going to the dentist today and how nice he was
    -ice cold water
    -the cat family that comes to our yard.
    -my beauty
    -job offers kicking in again a little bit
    -finding out my check was just mailed
    -M being nicer to me lately
    -my eyeglasses
    -the little mini-cupcakes i got today
    -going to the pool today and getting some sun. was sweating from sitting out there and then the water in the pool felt amazing.
    -my sunglasses
    -yoga pants
    -chakra music and thetas
    -feeling secure
    -feeling abundant
    -feeling relaxed
    -my sense of style
    -manifesting things i want
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -feeling open
    -the internet
    -the line of my lips
    -great deals
    Last edited by buttercup; 23rd July 2016 at 04:14 AM.

  8. #568


    -ice cubes and ice cold water
    -my strength
    -my sophistication
    -my style
    -my haircut
    -my beauty
    -confirming another job today and getting some positive perspective about august financial goals
    -my stomach being really flat today
    -having very smooth skin
    -having nice thin legs
    -getting along more with M again
    -balsamic vinegar
    -finding an amazing deal on a chemical peel last night that i purchased which was on my list of things to try
    -getting more things organized
    -setting some tentative deadlines for things
    -getting a new pitch idea for work
    -doing a mini sidewalk driving lesson. didn't go so well since it's been so long since doing regular driving lessons. but,was good try and be on the road again
    -having a cute,young look
    -the diffuser in my room
    -my vitamins
    -my meds
    -that animals tend to like me
    -finding out that according to my insurance packet online,root canals actually ARE covered
    -doing a nice theta musics meditation today
    -my peacock eyepillow i used during my meditation.
    -feeling secure
    -feeling abundant
    Last edited by buttercup; 24th July 2016 at 02:24 AM.

  9. #569


    -my strength
    -going to the pool today
    -that i'm able to go two days a week without soda
    -my favorite sunglasses
    -the starbucks frappucino M got me today
    -M getting me new yoga pants and socks today
    -vegan food
    -getting the little downstairs area cleaned for the cats
    -the cat family that comes to the yard
    -my laptop
    -my kind heart
    -my haircut
    -my style
    -getting more organized in my room

  10. #570


    -my eyeglasses
    -M giving me money for the uber i have to take tomorrow
    -getting my check today
    -going to the psychiatrist today and getting a new med to try and off the last one i did not like
    -tension going away with me and M's husband
    -the cats that come to the yard
    -buying cat food for the cats that come to the yard
    -good bras
    -getting a social invite that i think i can do from a former good friend of mine. it'll be my first social outing since my new living situation
    -my peacock eye pillow
    -doing a little anxiety challenge today and how much stronger and competant i'm getting with things like that
    -the positive transformation coming about in me
    -starting to feel more filled,and settled now
    -being present in the moment and taking life one day at a time
    -a nice journaling session that helped me last night
    -chakra music which always raises my vibe
    Last edited by buttercup; 26th July 2016 at 03:32 AM.

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