-backbends and how amazing they make me feel
-the brownies M got me
-being a pretty positive mood considering what happened yesterday
-skipping soda today and having la croix. i feel cleaner and like parts of me are healing when i dont drink soda.
-deep cleansing breaths.
-T kitten
-cute cat pictures
-the internet
-laughing at life
-my confidence growing
-my style
-having great taste
-my phone
-having great curves
-positive changes and evolving and the new person ive been becoming
-beauty ideas
-my eyebrows and how great they look unkempt.ive been debating a way to try and work with the look somehow..on one hand,it looks less groomed,but on the other,very child-like which is my style
-beauty products
-all the awesome things i have coming up
-self compassion
-messages with people on facebook
-cleaning my floor today
-getting my article done and being happy with it
-having nice eyes
-yoga pants
-connection and becoming more connected again
-short circuiting negative thoughts
-my goals and desires