-getting a little lifted out of my depressive funk
-getting that time of the month
-healthy digestion
-being done with out of the house jobs for a few days
-the internet
-sweet soda
-seeing P kitten after getting worried from not seeing her yet today or last night
-silence seeming to be broken between me and M,though she did say things to me twice in the last week
-deep cleansing breaths
-intense wanderlust especially towards being in southern california
-happy thoughts and my mind wandering towards happy daydreams a few times the last few days
-that it's springtime
-positive inner knowings
-warmer weather
-seeing T kitten doing well and being happy
-getting the 2nd drawer cleaned and organized after meaning to do it for like two weeks
-sleeping less today
-my hair
-M getting me a brownie from starbucks
-getting more comfortable exploring life
-hearing crime in my city has been down for the last two months
-T cat's ears starting to look better
-seeing W cat and E cat sitting together on the neighbor's porch chair. those two are like soulmates.
-being able to create
-seeing a lot of signs s kitten will be returning
-money coming in
-remembering fun