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Thread: being your gatekeeper of your positive emotions(emotion management)

  1. #1

    being your gatekeeper of your positive emotions(emotion management)

    Lower emotions such as depression, fear, anxiety, victim consciousness, etc etc etc

    manfacture chemicals in your brain, acts like a psychic attack or a shock to your physical system,

    Exactly Like taking bad drugs, that exactly how its like when your brain produces chemicals-- bad drugs for lower emotions.

    Lower emotions are like a chemical hell. I have been there so i know how it's like. I know it very well..

    Positive emotions however make you chemically well in the long run

    Long term exposure to positive emotions deletes the old memory and make healthy emotions your predominant state, long term chemical state. Because your re wiring your brain.

    followers of the great white secret.

    When you smile allot your appreciate life. Look at the link above these sentences. You have a reason to be happy. When you are happy to have a reason to smile. Smiling actually allot makes you appreciate life.

    The fuel for appreciation or smiling is gratitude. You have a reason to be here in the physical. When your grateful you shed gratitude threw smiling.

    Smiling is the appreciation anticipation earthly or spirtual pleasure enjoyment.

    The power of smiling,,,..

    What's so good about smiling??

    Appriciation or smiling is the door the secret too connecting, Connecting is the door to raising frequency

    When you are greatful you have a reason to smile. When you greatful you have a reason to be happy.

    Look at me, I have abundant gods light everyday from drinking spring water. I have a good reason to be really really bubble-ly everyday. Everyday i get more and more gods light. Everyday i look ford to more light

    Don't underestimate the power of Smiling it is very powerful when you do it allot.

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    Your job is to keep positive emotions active long term. Become your positive emotional guardian and hone nurture the high frequency positive- emotional- delivery- moderator. moderation

    Keep positive emotions active all the time
    Last edited by; 2nd June 2017 at 02:49 AM.
    If your my soulmate please contact me immediate-ly asap

    -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -
    Shamanic Substances is my spiritual bible. Which makes a unique shaman profile in every student

  2. #2

    Re: being your gatekeeper of your positive emotions(emotion management)

    what is the word for this practice, foretold as the great white secret... is it mastery, sainthood, being good, life-beyond-death? i practice it too it is definately new and right.

  3. #3

    Re: being your gatekeeper of your positive emotions(emotion management)

    the path of complete healing- complete soundness

    the great white secret path leads to seeing and hearing angels being a lightworker is a available choice

    Meeting angels half way. You go halfway up vibrationally they go half way down vibrationally and make contact

    Getting rid of negs on all levels
    Last edited by; 3rd June 2017 at 09:46 PM.
    If your my soulmate please contact me immediate-ly asap

    -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -
    Shamanic Substances is my spiritual bible. Which makes a unique shaman profile in every student

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