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  1. #11


    -my day off today
    -my intelligence
    -my strength
    -my gray comforter
    -transitioning my stuff out of one of two dressers i have to make more space in my room
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -cuddle time with my cats
    -buying myself a green rose from a luxury flower company i've had my eye on
    -interesting and innovative things
    -listening to all 3 of my hypnosis recordings and how nice it made me feel
    -getting a check in the mail
    -my christian dior eye cream
    -getting this room cleaned up a good amount finally and a closet organizing the closet shelf
    -doing some reading of the magic by rhonda byrne
    -the amy's kitchen pizza i had for dinner
    -watching some TV episodes on my phone with the app i found from the site i used to watch them on
    -the internet
    -social media
    -sleeping in and how good that felt
    -feeling good physically
    -feeling so present and appreciative while on xanax and appreciating the green of the grass and the way the sun felt and laying outside for a bit on my yoga mat in the yard and lounge chair
    -my phone
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -practicing letting go a bit and the art of applying it
    -my beauty
    -looking through my old photo albums and appreciating my beauty and seeing that me and the ex look way happier then he does in pics i've ever seen of him with girl he is with now
    -great design
    -how relaxing it felt with my lights off earlier and last night
    -watching an interesting moment last night in the middle of the night of the cats. T kitten who is almost a cat now and has grown so much killed a mouse or small rat.i felt bad more then usual when i see them with a hunt,and he was having so much fun with it tossing it in the air repeatedly as if it was a toy we had bought him. Some of the other cats were around him watching including the new baby kitten around L observing him and learning. She seems to mimick and like him a lot. Then P cat took her turn,it was as if her and T kitten shared the kill. I flt bad like the little kitten wanted her turn and it was good for her learning and the poor mouse's soul was transitioned by now anyways so brought her closer to let her take her turn and she was playing just like T kitten,s vicious as him with it having a great time. Mom cat of the other cats was a few feet observing them part of the time. Finally,most of the cats in the yard after playing with the mouse for awhile all were running around chasing each other seeming hyper as if playing tag and play hunting each other. The other cats seem to be accepting l kitten more and she seems to be learning from them.
    -manifestation of heart desires
    -seeing the small-ish cat i worried had passed on a few times recently because some kids said a cat that looks like the kitten but bigger they seen dead a block away so it wasn't that one. this is the cat that I thought might be S kitten awhile back but i can tell it's not. i do wonder if it's the l kitten's mom and the cat looks a little bigger/healthier now.
    -M's husband telling one of the kid's mom apparently to tell her daughter to not pick up the kitten anymore. they had kept coming by to see the cats and it was annoying me so he seen their mom today and told them. i feel kind of bad,but they are annoying my cats plus it worries me and i don't like kids.
    -funny quotes,and thought provoking quotes
    Last edited by buttercup; 25th July 2017 at 06:56 AM.

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