NOTE: this was my very first time in my whole life I practiced with the program’s OBE exit methods.
I have a few weeks of experience with binaural beats meditation.
I’ve just performed my first exercise. I did the deep physical body relaxation exercise.
After that I practiced on the OBE exit methods, I imagined a rope and felt how I was climbing through
my bedroom window up to the sky and universe. I altered the methods a few times.
I’ve noticed that I get huge chills down my spine and body when i’m concentrating on the rope...
Like if there’s something happening and I feel so light I can’t even feel my body anymore.
I think I had that feeling that my body was trying to get out but I feel I have to practice some more but I think this is a very good start.
I have 3 spirit companions and I asked them if they can help me every time if I’m trying to exit my body.
I remained very calm throughout the experience because I know what will happen. I’ve read and watched Robert Bruce’s program and books.
This state remains for a few seconds I think, are these the vibrations Robert Bruce talks about in his program?
I do this while i’m laying on my bed covered under my sheets for a warm feeling.
Also I have my headphones on because I listen to binaurel beats (alpha, theta states) every time I meditate.
I believe beats will help tremendously.
My questions is: how long should I practice on these exercises? It’s 11:00 AM in my country and I praticed for 30 minutes. So is this enough practice for the day? Should I keep this to 30 mins a day? What is the optimal amount of time that I should practice every day?
What do you guys think of my set-up and experience ? Am I going in the good direction?