-making the sad decision to let my 2nd business go for now officially
-vegan pizza from whole foods
-the vegan donut i had today
-working today
-nice people
-drinking my aloe vera water
-my cats
-things working out for me
-getting my savings to $900
-my christian louboutin shoes
-my sense of style
-my eyesight
-having a coffee meeting with my big crush A coming up
-the manifestation of desires
-leg warmers
-the weather being mostly pretty mild thus far
-my blue rose
-getting one of my recaps done
-warm showers
-cleaning a little
-sending out emails for more jobs
-my stomach getting flatter
-getting asked out on a lot of dates/flirted with a lot the last few days
-getting more images from a recent job
-the internet
-my beauty
-writing some things out the other day to feel more confident
-having a nice body
-things to look forward to
-unexpected beautiful surprises