In last night Dreams I had several short seequences….I was to a math class...we got new books and was told to learn prime numbers up to 500...

In this Dream I was looking at my skin and doctors told me that it look likes radiations damages….I saw my skin parts glow White...and I pointed at one glow and you mean this part...they did not want to worry me...they it do not look like that...but I knew it was…

In this part I was out and I knew there will be placed survival kits on spots that I knew what to look after...when the hole was opened all the items must be taken out and not to leave anything behind...I opened few and few items was inside...but one hole there was so much that I become overwhelmed becasue it was so would I carry all, I had no bag with me??

In this one I was going to my work when I noticed my husband (in the Dream) coming out from a house unknown to me...I shouted...where have you bean, you never did come home...I saw he had pointed red knitted cap on him...he did not say anything just walked away in hurry??