Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post

Do we need to know about the history to understand our time or can as I have not read all these books about Blavatshy or others writes Platon etc...??
I feel so stupid and therefore does not dare to partisipate so much because I do not have all the history or names of all kind of alteret states what they are calledÂ….I Think I am dyslextic and get so tired to read text....


Re-read your quote you have below your posts by Robert.
Read it and believe it of yourself.

The more I read the more I realise I don’t know. A lifetime of reading would not inform me of everything, but then it doesn’t matter. ( in my opinion) Also you can come across people who have read and absorbed all the information written and have a thorough understanding of something but are not nice people.
Any challenges in this lifetime is exactly that- A Challenge- to be handled in the best way you can. It may be Karma, it may not be . Does it matter? It’s still a challenge.
Be the best person you can be and when things don’t work out for you try to understand why they didn’t . You wouldn’t do that again and you’ve learnt from that. Move on.
If by the end of a day you can reflect and say I have offended no one, I have tried my hardest in this situation , be proud and move on to the next day.
Never Ever feel inferior. The real truth comes from within you when you can make that connection, not someone else’s opinions.
My most precious information and advise has not come from books but from that small inner voice.