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Thread: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

  1. #31

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I think that's a myth perpetuated by religious groups that want to reserve the right to tell you what to do with your body- and part of the reason that so much mental energy is spent on it is precisely because of all the taboos associated with it. That and food.
    I think so... religions want to control people...

    However, this is purely based on my observation of energy and people. When it is not controlled (and typically is not), you indeed loose it. This energy which we use in sex is much more universal, and can be controlled and directed. Its quality can be increased. Things like tantra or taoist practices - as far as I know - teach how to use and control this energy consciously. The rewards are inummerable... starting from improving and increasing your life impact. Allowing yourself to carelessly loose this energy without awarenes has indeed effect not just on your body - if repeated on the regular basis, it affects your life, as your energy changes. Practically speaking, too much focus on anything (like sex) and energy abuse affect our mental body, aura, energy in general, physical body, and the entire life. Being conscious of what flows through our mind on the regular basis brings a totally new level of actually everything. Learning how to control this energy is invaluable then - we're not talking about ascetecism here.
    Last edited by Antares; 14th December 2019 at 06:00 PM.

  2. #32

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    I personally believe that sex energy is evolver, and spirituality is just on board for the ride. Being careful where to point that rocket ship and not stress the cabin crew (ego and committee).

  3. #33

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    The key is to put it into a right context of the other areas. I wrote about it a bit here:

    Today's morning experiment with herbs and hot water helped me realized how things work much better.

    Chemistry basically "kills" alchemy. None of these two is an extension of the other in terms of the practical approach.

    Generally, all is based on the frequencies' differences (which medical systems like TCM or Ayurveda call the "5 elements" and the corresponding 5 tastes). I noticed that the bitter taste increased the vibrations of the body, especially when you have empty stomach.

    When the body's frequencies increase, the spirit - mind have a much stronger power over the cells of the body. The changes in the body can occur in a drammaricaly quick pace then. In short, you gain a strong influence on your physical body down to the cells, DNA and its atoms, when the body is prepared properly.

    But the most interesting part is that chemistry, like in your digesting system, is not just a reaction between molecules, although we are being taught that. I observed how it works.The quality of energy available and qi influence drammatically works how for instance digesting or blood circulation works.
    Increasing the vibrations of atoms involved in the typical body prcoesses changes how chemical reaction work. We don't need to rely on purely material (yin) means, we may use energy (yang) to change how things work, what chemical reaction occur in our body and so on.
    It all comes down to the energy (and not matter as we are taught), i.e. everything changes in your body depending on what vibration you would introduce / change. This is where inner alchemical skills come into place. This way, when mastering it, you may literally gain a total control of your body and DNA. You may literally shape your cells, DNA and the whole body.
    Further experiments are in progres.

  4. #34

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    Increasing the vibrations of atoms involved in the typical body prcoesses changes how chemical reaction work. We don't need to rely on purely material (yin) means, we may use energy (yang) to change how things work, what chemical reaction occur in our body and so on.
    Great Yang is like greeting dogs. Yin behaves according to perfection. Everything else is a (natural phenomenal) synthesis of those two.

  5. #35

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    No need to worry that laymen would achieve the immortality state. Without spirit involved, it's impossible. With spirit involved, being layman is impossible.

    Definitve vs. Indefinitive
    The key lays in not trying to define yourself. Then the life (spirit) forces are not disconnected. Hence total rejuvenation state. It really works. Closing yourself in a definite form disallows life to flow through. Hence the importance of thoughts involved in the process. Observing, controlling and transcending your thoughts leads to a new states of being, physical body included if you wish.

    Quote Originally Posted by olyris View Post
    Great Yang is like greeting dogs. Yin behaves according to perfection. Everything else is a (natural phenomenal) synthesis of those two.
    The perfect synthesis of the two is known as tai chi. Transcending tai chi is known as tao.

    It is reflected in the cosmic universal triangle. (Beyond the two).

  6. #36

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    The perfect synthesis of the two is known as tai chi. Transcending tai chi is known as tao.

    It is reflected in the cosmic universal triangle. (Beyond the two).

    Orange dot: One
    Gold dot: The Tao
    Silver dot: Tai chi

    Your solar plexus movement is according to this, making breath the deepest secret of all...
    Last edited by olyris; 15th December 2019 at 11:56 PM.

  7. #37

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    I similarly to IA56 take some inspiration from some (quite many) things recently. This time it is a new ayurveda book that I also ordered written by some Indian master.

    It confirmed what I felt about rejuvenation: that the deepest secret perhaps lays in our thoughts - mind, and the positive attitude.

    The conclusion is: never ever give up your ideals, never negotiate with yourself about them. Keep them as strong as they were from your first day on the Earth. Keep the notion that everything is possible, and never change it.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    I similarly to IA56 take some inspiration from some (quite many) things recently. This time it is a new ayurveda book that I also ordered written by some Indian master.

    It confirmed what I felt about rejuvenation: that the deepest secret perhaps lays in our thoughts - mind, and the positive attitude.

    The conclusion is: never ever give up your ideals, never negotiate with yourself about them. Keep them as strong as they were from your first day on the Earth. Keep the notion that everything is possible, and never change it.
    What name does the Indian master have??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #39

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    The author is Acharya Balkrishna, a recognized teacher of the natural and ancient healing methods in India. The other master often referred in the book is Swami Ramdev. If you won't find it in your native language (fortunetely it has been released in mine), you may certainly find it somewhere in english - I don't think it has been written with a difficult language.

    But generally, it's good to be careful when you look up for a natural medicine (like ayurveda, TCM etc.) handbook: it's easy to get into a trap of being overwhelmed by too many not necesserily essential details. Depends on what you are exactly looking for... plus give the credit to the fact that natural medicine often has a related philosophy or religion to it, which today may feel quite outdated

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    The author is Acharya Balkrishna, a recognized teacher of the natural and ancient healing methods in India. The other master often referred in the book is Swami Ramdev. If you won't find it in your native language (fortunetely it has been released in mine), you may certainly find it somewhere in english - I don't think it has been written with a difficult language.

    But generally, it's good to be careful when you look up for a natural medicine (like ayurveda, TCM etc.) handbook: it's easy to get into a trap of being overwhelmed by too many not necesserily essential details. Depends on what you are exactly looking for... plus give the credit to the fact that natural medicine often has a related philosophy or religion to it, which today may feel quite outdated
    Thank you. The book I ordered ..practical Ayurweda….written by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta is translated to Swedish.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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