It may sound strange.
For the recent few months I am constantly attempted to be "convinced" that I'm going to die soon. When I'm ignoring the voice, almost every single day I'm confronted with messages about death.
Indeed, a week ago on my inner sides of my hands appeared clear yellow spots on my skin. Last few consecutive days I'm constantly using my energy, intent and will for cleansing and energetizing my body and aura. The symptoms a bit decreased, and I feel generally good. But the messages don't stop appearing. Today when I was buying some food in the supermarket, next to me were some books, one of them drawn my attention with the title "I think I'm dying" when I was waiting in the queue. I didn't care, and looked elsewhere. After I did that, I heard a man with a kid reading aloud this title for several times. This is just one of many, many, many coincidences like this about death.
This voice seems to be very manipulative. It never speaks directly, but indirectly: for instance, it asks "so what doctor have you chosen?" or "you will achieve your incarnation goals in the next incarnation, don't bother yourself with these no more", or "cancel all your contracts! at least you will save your family from unncessary expenses" or about having a death policy, and many things like these which I am bombarded with quite recently all the time.
Besides, I clearly receive messages from more than one source, or type of source. There are also other messages which are actually positive and goal-oriented, like for example thinking of my future.
To add some information, my family often faced in November health issues, my father died then, my grandpa died then, my best friend died as well in November at an early age. Scorpio zodiac sign was always related to death, and I'm facing negative astrological influences for the few recent weeks. Despite of that, like I mentioned, I'm positively focused on rejuvenating the whole body.
I also mentioned in the other post that the last year I faced the effects of black magic directed against me due to jelousy, which worked.
What do you think?