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Thread: After-life - how is it?

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    Re: After-life - how is it?

    Let me explain how I see common beliefs to be like when concerning what to expect after physical death vs. what are the actual knowns:

    - atheistic view: consciousness is a concidental effect of material complexity, and it (we) ends its (our) existence with the physical death
    - religious view: we meet judgement after death which will decide about our future - e.g. going to heaven, hell, or reincarnate (depending on particular religion)
    - (typical) new age view: we re-incarnate due to and only because of our will because we "believe" that we should go through it in order to gain certain benefits possible to gain on the Earth plane; typically we meet our families, and do not deal with / take into account any ETs activity, but simply take on few personal factors when considering another possible incarnation

    Most of them do not take seriously into account possible extra-terrestials interfence on the planet / our solar system. However, people like Ingo Swann with his ESP experiences, Dolores Cannon's research of people under hypnosis, many channelings like those from Lyssa Royal or Barbara Marciniak, and many other writers and researchers, seem to present at least a slightly different, but more full picture of what is going on beyond the "obvious" physical aspect. Beyond what new age common "religion" seem to suggest.

    The interesting fact is that, aside from so called "pink spirituality" beliefs, all the existence relies on energy, which was a common belief, including ancient religions, until recently. For instance, taoists had a different view on how things are after death; their quest for tao was in considerably large part aimed at gaining the consciousness after physical death, as opposed to an average person who was believed to become an unconscious ghost, just "dreaming dreams" and prone to "alien" forces, until re-incarnating once again (due to lack of energy). How different this view is from the current beliefs? Then, can we say that the current beliefs are really the ultimate ones? Or, maybe... far from that?

    See my point?

    Concerning the energy reliance, there is also a conviction, present e.g. in some channelings and spiritualistic ghosts invocations, that "spirits" (like souls of deceased people) need energy (as a food), and they feed on living people. Of course, the energy is universal, so ETs (physical and non-physical) are included into "nourishing" scheme. The feeding is actually a way to maintaining a certain frequency or frequency range (like in order to maintain a fear frequency range you need to get a fear-based energy from... somewhere). The question is: where do they gain energy from?

    Now, is a physical food the only way to absorbing energy? If it was the case, non-physical beings would not need energy. But it is pretty obvious, confirmed also by OBE experiences, that the need for energy is actual requirement - also for non-physical parts of ourselves. Chinese people called this universal energy - Qi. It exists on all levels in various forms, from material to non-material.

    When realizing fully that point, there is really only a small step into making at least a theoretical assumption that there could be an organization of beings (like non-physical, along with physical, extra-terrestials) with an intent to create a system where energy could be provided on the regular basis (and not just occassionally), just like taxes are the system of providing an endless stream of money. Should we assume that only human beings are intelligent? Should we assume that only human beings have a tendency to be "evil"?

    No religion assumed so. Only modern (and rather not well thought through yet) new age beliefs seem to ignore those facts. Hence I really don't think it is an accurate way of assuming what we are supposed to face after the physical death.

    Now imagine that you go to a different continent or planet, and you find there another specie - of lower intelligence or level of development, but still alive: you call them "pigs". They may look like this:

    Do you try to communicate with them? Like, perhaps, making some interesting discussions about the universe...? Very unlikely, I'd say.

    Or, maybe, you start a war with them, in order to conquer their territory? Also very unlikely.

    Instead, you quickly realize that they are very good... as a food source. So you create a whole system of breeding them. They won't mind - they would even not realize it. And you want it to keep this as long as possible - to have this comfortable resource of food. No more hunting, no more occassionally found food resources, no more daily-based struggle for nutrition. You just need to keep this system of feeding, and make sure that "pigs specie" won't get more intelligent or developed than they are.

    (There are certain laws of the universe, based on energy frequencies, coming primarily from the center of the galaxy, center of the universe, and from stars, particularly through the sun frequencies, which may cause DNA possibly to be re-programmed - which is a potential threat for you as an incomer to this continent / planet / system, because then the specie could develop too far and the whole system of control / breeding could stop working... so you need to not allow this to happen. If you allowed them to develop, pigs could... become equal to "us", as gods - see the Bible... You need to keep minds of pigs to be massively put under constant control, telling them how their lives should look like, how their enterainment should look like, telling them what is tabu and forbidden, giving them an illusion of choices of beliefs from a preset number of popular philosophies / religions, keeping them away from thinking for themselves, and even telling them what they may expect after death - so that they didn't do anything about it and kept "positive beliefs" that everything is going to be just fine, like meeting their lovely piggy families of deceased ones in the heavens full of beautiful angels who don't do anything but take care of this piggy farm... sorry, specie ).

    Keep my mind open and looking for further information.

    My conclusion is, again, to maintain focus on increasing consciousness, instead of sticking to common beliefs, which - as history told so many times - were just propagated to masses so that they didn't search for anything beyond the scheme.
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    Last edited by Antares; 4th February 2020 at 09:11 PM.

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