Quote Originally Posted by Tooraj2008 View Post
I sent an email to Bob Sanders(who is the owner of the above youtube channel and https://thegreatwhitebrotherhood.org/ ) and asked the above question ...

and the reply by the Admin is :

Thank you for your message.
When you do AP, you are at risk because if you are not properly trained to AP or AP while not protected, then you are at risk because essentially you are in their world.
When you AP you may be in the etheric or possibly in the lower astral realms where dangerous entities reside.
If you are not properly trained or protected, you are a sitting duck and could be an easy target for an experienced negative entity.
So, what Bob may have been referring to was more to do with black magic. That is where I understand that you have to accept the curse or whatever it is that the black magician is trying to send to you.

Hope this helps
He seems to think the astral is a place in timespace that you can go to and get lost, and be 'in their world'. As multidimensional beings, we're in all the realms of manifestation. We are in all of them all the time, so it's 'our' world as much as theirs, and there is a part of our mind that is conscious 'there' while our conscious mind (our physical conscious mind) is centered in the physical realm while we're awake and alert.
I especially like how he keep saying " if you are not properly trained"- I suppose he means "by his organization."