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Thread: Rotating earth and astral projection(Confusion need help understand)

  1. #1

    Rotating earth and astral projection(Confusion need help understand)

    When you astral project you not bound by physical laws

    Earth is rotating naturally going faster then 200km's, that's why there is night and day because earth keeps rotating.

    When you astral project. You would need travel over 200km to stay in your room. Otherwise you are not bound by physical rotation and keep slipping out of the house because house is travelling at a certain speed

    My astral projection experiences tells me that i don't have to travel 200km's to stay in the house. How is this possible??
    If your my soulmate please contact me immediate-ly asap

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  2. #2
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    Re: Rotating earth and astral projection(Confusion need help understand)

    When you are out of body you don't leave your body behind, you are firmly tethered to your body, which is firmly tethered to the physical plane. When you go out into the astral plane you are no longer in the physical earth (well, your etheric body is, but your astral body isn't, since it's not physical at all), so whatever you see isn't the physical earth, but what the collective consciousness tells you about your surroundings. It's a place made of mind, not the physical earth. That's why there's all kinds of distortions that don't always correspond to the physical earth.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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