I have hade these same themed dreams for a while now...I first thought if I ignore them maybe it stops...but it goes on and on....so I decided to put it out here and see if it will make difference...the dream of last night was like this...I am in a group of people...we are very high up on a mountain...and the only way to go further is to jump down to a lower mountain...the group of people place me always in the front line...I am first so to say to jump..I am very afraid of hights...so they come nearer and nearer me so in the end I have to jump or to be pushed out...this night the inviroment was with snow...on the lower mountain..to make me feel it will be soft to land on the snow...but what I notice is that the platoe is so small that it will be very hard to estimate my jump to fit into the mountain plaine spot so to say....and I have to awake me from the dream because I do not have confidence to make the jump and succeed landing right....It feels like they try to make me as bold as I was when I was younger...so in a way I have lost my courage...