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Thread: Strange dreams

  1. #71

    Re: Strange dreams

    There are sometimes dreams or lucid dreams which make a breakthrough in the understanding. Not just symbolic dreams, but the ones that give you direct inisights into many things.

    Here's what I experienced tonight:

    I was waking up, and I saw my bedoom, but everything around me was blurred and foggy. I realized that I'm still sleeping and this is not real image, but once I realized that, I woke up "again". Now the perception was very clear, but my mind worked differently than usually! My memory was different: facts that I remembered about the items placed in my bedroom, now have changed, for example placement of the bed was different than in reality. But in that moment I was certain that this was right placement of my bed, while in reality the bed should be in a different area in the room.

    In other words, in that moment I didn't "remember" that the bed should be (and in fact is) in a different position than it was supposed to be. Yet it was in a different position in this after-second-awake state. You probably guessed that I was still sleeping, but I thought I awaken for good, as everything else was in my bedroom fine.

    In short, my perception of things changed, my memory of where these things should be placed also changed. I had only a vague feeling that something is different, but that's all. My mind worked differently!

    One thing was also different: a quite strong feeling of something unusual happening in that moment.

    In the next moment I realized why the feeling of something special happening appeared: I looked out of the window and saw surprising image: a big dark-gray starship in a shape of rectangular box flying on the sky, no doubt an alien starship. I was shocked, observing it slowly moving on the night sky.

    Although my mind worked differently, my perception was very clear, my thinking was clear, I didn't realized that this was still a dream-state! I really thought I awoke for good. My mind was not blurred as typically it is in the dream state, just wasn't working in the same way! However, in the next moment, after the starship disappeared in the window, I woke up then for real.

    What is amazing about this experience is the fact that it gives the insight of how mind and memory can be easily and flexibly changed, modified and even the idea of obvious facts (like things in the room) can be replaced with "new, modified" facts.

    Interesting, isn't it?

    The most remarkable thing to me is how memory can be so easily modified and replaced with new facts. And - again I would put a quote by Robert Bruce: memory is everything! Without memory, no experience has value - at all!
    Last edited by Antares; 29th September 2023 at 03:42 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  2. #72

    Re: Strange dreams

    Welcome to the world of False Awakening, congrats you made a chain.

  3. #73

    Re: Strange dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by Sh@dow View Post
    Welcome to the world of False Awakening, congrats you made a chain.
    Yes, I had many such experiences in the past, however, this was not my point, what I tried to explain in the other, IA56's, thread on dreams, is that these are not necesserily "we" who make such chains or experiences.

    IMO this is the key to understanding everything related: from the dreams themselves, to the subconsciousness, and to the real influences which make such experiences.

    I don't know how to convey this idea more clearly.

    People living in this system (the Earth) are manipulated to believe in one of these three "explanations" today about dreams:
    - dreams are purely an effect of some subconcious activity - and being not sure what does it actually mean
    - dreams are the result of our own work - again whatever it actually means
    - dreams are sent by sort of gods, deities, spirits etc. - this is an ancient belief, common to the shamanic circles

    After researching the subject, IMO the closest to the truth is the last one, however, it is a bit naive understanding of what is really going on behind what we are aware of...

    In short, lucid dreaming, false awakening and experiences as such does not show any level of advancement in fact. The true, objective research is needed - and I don't know a person who really did it. Do you?

    So... How come?

    The answer is: we live not just in the physical environment. We live also in the mental environment. While the former is obvious, people are totally unaware of the latter. Mental is way more tangible than it is commonly believed. And this is the key to understanding the subconscious influence, including dreams, or alternative states of consciousness and the influnce on consciousness in general. People start from the wrong side in researching the dreams - this is what I concluded afterwards. To understand that you have an elephant in front of you, you try to see it in a whole, and not to touch just some points on his skin, his nose, his back etc. People are such blindmen in researching the uknown of the mental/mind sphere.
    Last edited by Antares; 5th October 2023 at 05:53 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  4. #74

    Re: Strange dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    The true, objective research is needed - and I don't know a person who really did it. Do you?
    If you want to do a research, this guide can help you:Puffins-DILD-Guide
    You are right, everything is about the memory, your bed can be in the middle of Mars rock valley and still thinking you are at home. So if you do the SAT from the guide every day, also known as ADA (all day awareness) and take 25mg B6 after the last meal or before bed, you will have a high chances to recognize your false(dream) memory and who knows you can even get lucid in this dream.

    P.s. if you want to explore beyond the dreaming I also have other tools.

  5. #75

    Re: Strange dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by Sh@dow View Post
    If you want to do a research, this guide can help you:Puffins-DILD-Guide

    Thanks for sharing. I'll take a look on this in free time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sh@dow View Post
    P.s. if you want to explore beyond the dreaming I also have other tools.
    What kind of tools?

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  6. #76

    Re: Strange dreams

    Over dozen false awakening during a power nap, leading to a spiral of madness. First person narrative, an entry from my dairy.
    I'm starting my usual power nap, but my eye is getting itchy, I scratch it, but it is uncomfortable, so I stand up and look myself in the mirror, my eye is red and swollen, an allergic reaction but why, I cannot breath and I'm calling my wife, she is here and she have the shot, but why her arms are very long, honey what is happening, you are scarring me, "eVeryThing is fiNe dEar", she is suffocating me with her snake like arms,"yOu wiLl be fine dEar". This is not real, I must wake up.... I am in my bed again, ahh what a dream, honey those FA's are damn scary, do you hear me honey, she standing in the middle of the room, what is wrong honey - I touch her shoulder, she turn and her eyes are black, I feel a sharp pain, she is holding a knife, blood is dripping from it. Why honey, why do you stab me, "tO maKe yOu betTer DeaR", she continues to stab me, five six seven, pain too much pain, this is not real, must wake up. I'm in my bed again, ♥♥♥♥ hate chain of FA's, I jump from bed, but there is not a floor, I'm falling and falling and hit the bottom ohhh sharp pain, I'm in my bed again, I must end this chain so I make a RC's, it seems I'm awake and everything is normal, I am going to wash my face, but my reflection look distorted, my reflection reach its hands and start suffocating me, I can't breathe, so painful, he is too strong, I die.... wake up on a bench outside at the bus station, maybe I fall asleep without noticing, a car pass in front of me, then behind me, what is happening here, I'm seeing the next car, it doesn't have a rear end, only two fronts, this is not real, I'm dreaming surely....a sharp pain, I'm on the ground, a car run over me, wait stop I yelled, but another car hit me, I wake up in my bed, my wife was over me, "dEar, aRe yOu wAnt thiS to End", I shake my head, "TheN pleAse DiE", she started to strangle me. I wake up in my bed again, only to see a giant spider on top of me, he bite me to dead. I wake up in my bed again while screaming 'stop already', a little girl was sitting on my bed "bUt wE are juSt bEginNing to haVe fUn", while drawing a chainsaw from thin air.......aaaAaaaAa...I wake up for real.

    Damn, sh!t totally hit the fan!

  7. #77

    Re: Strange dreams

    I've checked the webpage you indicated, and I cannot see nothing but a simple tutorial for lucid dreaming. When I was speaking of research, I meant a real research, not just experience. I have a lot of them. Which of course are a good material to gain some objective recognition. However, an objective research is not an experience itself, these are two different things. I hope you understand that. One need to be seperated from the other.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  8. #78

    Re: Strange dreams

    I don't think you gonna find any objective research in this Field, you just need to have some faith. Btw you seem to have some very confusing beliefs regarding lucid dreaming vs AP/OBE. For me the only real difference between them is the density of your surroundings and the level your awareness. I also have a lot of experiences(~1000), but only when you experience 2+ hours types of events, only then you are starting to see how deep the rabbit hole really is. So this "simple" tutorial I gave you, actually can give you those 2+ hours experience. When I have more free time I can give you one of mine more advanced exercise, but it can come with unpredictable consequences.

  9. #79

    Re: Strange dreams

    I think there is some misconfusion about what the research provides. To make things clear, the research is not the experience itself. You can have a lot of experiences - this is the material for the research. If one has beliefs, as you mentioned, then it's not research, it's a belief. The research is exactly the opposite thing to a belief. Material (experiences) is the building block for the research, but is not the research itself. Anyway, thanks for sharing. I realize that there is no much research (but in fact there were attempts) in this field - actually I stated exactly the same thing just few posts earlier.

    What I can see about people in LD, OBE etc., they are "experience-oriented geeks". 99+% of them are. Of course it's nothing bad, and it's clearly understood why. To be honest, people who have experiences like these frequently think of themselves as sort of an elite of the humanity. The experiences like that for most tend to be exciting, are unfolding the unkown etc. Just like for people from the 60s taking LSD, shamans and shaman adepts and alike.

    However, most of these experiences are just experiences and projections. The thing is, these people stop on that. Their idea about what they experience is based on their beliefs (assumptions).

    I also have a lot of experiences(~1000), but only when you experience 2+ hours types of events, only then you are starting to see how deep the rabbit hole really is.
    Anyway, out of curiosity, do you have any clues about the structure of the reality from the experiences you had? Would you mind sharing your conclusions? Or you just stop on just experiencing? I'd like to take this opportunity to have an interesting discussion of things most people are unaware of, or simply ignore. Even if they are using ASCs for variety of experiences.

    Within the span of the experiences you had, did you have any significant experiences, any breakthroughs in understanding of reality? I'm curious what are your conclusions about them.

    BTW I don't think the longer timespan of the experience gives better insights than shorter ones. I had short and very long experiences, and both of these were very inightful and made a great material for the research (not all experiences give a lot of new information).

    Edit: one more thing, Shadow: recently I am interested in the other entities existing in the universe - did you have any encounters or even interaction with some entities? What do you think of them?
    Last edited by Antares; 17th October 2023 at 06:24 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

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