Hi all,
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it seemed like the most appropriate.
I don't really have a specific question, but I guess I'm looking for any comments / interpretations of what I'm feeling (and why?).
First a brief history. I've only discovered the subject of expanded conciousness, etc. within the last month and have only really worked a couple of weeks at it. I started with Monroe's Gateway tapes and was making good progress, though I am still in Wave 1. I started experiencing physical anxiety symptoms and was told it may indicate an energy blockage, so I've shifted my focus to the NEW system to try and correct this. I've had immediate, strong results from the system (very cool!) and apparently have no trouble raising energy. It has become almost automatic after only a day or so.
My concerns revolve around the sensations I've been having both before and after starting the system. Thoughout the day I have very frequent fuzzy/tingling sensations that I now interpret as energy flowing through my energy body. Mostly they seem to originate in my lower back and move upwards into my shoulders, arms and back/top of my head. Its a pleasant sensation, though can sometimes be a bit distracting. Seems to get stronger as it reaches my head as well.
Also, there have been times, later in the evening that I have closed my eyes and they immediately start a very strong and steady REM motion or vibration (seemed to be about 4-5 Hz, just by my estimation). I can slow or stop the motion if I focus, but this focus also makes me feel like I'm being pulled into the inside of my head. Last night when I let this happen for a relatively short time, I started having various visions. The most memorable were of 2 things. First, an object which would be best described as the top 1/4 of a sphere with a "ledge" around the edge and many "spokes" along the top of the sphere eminating from the top to the edge of the ledge. Secondly, an image of what seemed to be a warrior of sorts, wearing a helmet that was shaped like the cone on an airplane propeller, for lack of a better description. This warrior then multiplied to form an army arranged in a triangular formation, with one in the first row, 2 in the second, 4 in the forth, etc. that seemingly went on forever. (I didn't intend to put so much emphasis on these visions here, as they really didn't affect me that much, but they're just lengthy to describe.)
Finally, wether this is relevant or not I don't know, but I think I also experienced mind's eye vision last night?? As I was praticing the NEW system and brushing my toes I could "see" the toes as I passed over them. This was more than the normal perception as I could actually see a small spotlight passing over my toes, illuminating each toe in a black and white image as I passed over it. Not quite like physical sight, but close.
Oh, one more thing. As I've been raising energy through my legs, I seem to have a hard time in keeping my groin from being stimlated. I've tried bringing the energy up the outsides of my legs and over my hips, but it still seems to seep into the groin area.
So, sorry for the long, somewhat rambling post, but any comments would be much appreciated.
Peace and Love to all.