Temporoparietal junction:
Temporal lobe
parietal lobe
junction: where they meet
Oh, great, Enoch. Way to go...trying to make me feel stupid. I was right after all. I knew I didn't forget everything about A & P. I didn't cut brains apart in my practical lab class for nuttin'. I KNEW it would come in handy some day. It's not only all in the head, it's all in the brain. Which was my point in the first place. Which was that your brain physiology is making you believe things that "might not be true". Now, I'm going to have to emoticon you for that!!!!!!!! Take this:

Aw, great. The emotican server is down. You'll have to content yourself with this:

Uh, Enoch, if you've donated your brain to science, they won't be able to spark it up again. Some medical student will be cutting it up in his/her anatomy class. Ha!