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Thread: What was this experience? Come and weigh in!

  1. #1
    rainwing Guest

    What was this experience? Come and weigh in!

    Just a few hours ago, I think I had a lucid dream or an OBE, but I'm not sure which. Help me understand better, if you could!

    - I woke up in the middle of the night, not quite asleep, and not quite awake. I decided in that brief moment that I would have a lucid dream, just before I went to sleep again.
    - It started with a flying dream, which I've been having a lot of recently. I was not lucid here.
    - All of a sudden I realized I shouldn't be flying, and that this was a dream. I immediately felt a pulling, rushing sensation sending me up and back.
    - I wasn't afraid, and said, "Ok, pull it back a little," because I wanted to control the experience, rather than shoot off to some weird place.
    - I felt myself in my body, with a vibrating sensation in my stomach and chest. I tried to will or fly myself out of my body, but couldn't do it, so I tried to physically get up. This worked, and I rose from my body.
    - It was very dark, so I said, "Ok! Light it up!"
    - Everything got lighter, and I found myself in a comfortable party room, where people were discussing various things with one another.
    - Rather than try to fly or conjure things or stuff like that, I decided to talk to one of the partygoers. He and I sat down on a couch and shot the breeze.
    - What we talked about escapes me, except for one thing: I asked him if this was what happened when we died (relaxing, coming to terms with death, and getting used to a new world... which I saw as a comfortable party). He said yes.
    - I forgot his name as I slipped into another dream where I couldn't control anything. When I woke up from it and couldn't recall his name, I vowed to return to my dream and discover it.
    - When I slipped off to sleep again, the name quickly came to me: Elson. I find it interesting that "El" is Hebrew for God, and son is son, as in "Son of God." I like those kinds of multiple meaning names a lot!

    So what do you think? What was this most interesting of experiences? I can't wait for the next one, especially if I get to fly again. I'm able to stay in the air longer and longer with each successive dream, I'm finding out.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    IMO You had a dream that turned lucid, and you turned it into an OBE (that's the technique I use if I get lucid, which is not often) but you didn't stick around in the RTZ, and at that point either went Astral (which is what I think) or went into another lucid dream.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Louise43 Guest
    I am currently reading a book by Jungian pschologist Robert A Johnson called 'Inner Work'. It has helped me to interpret some of my dreams and is starting to give me a much beter understanding of my inner life. I would certainly recommend it to help understanding dreams.


  4. #4
    rainwing Guest
    It appears that my foray into astral projection, like my neophyte exploration of magic and dedicated continuance of NEW, requires a more substantial amount of control...

    Thank you,

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