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Thread: Progress involving work with the Stones, Kundalini Risings

  1. #1
    Sunkencity Guest

    Progress involving work with the Stones, Kundalini Risings

    Hello all-

    I've been studying the energy body from an alchemical point of view of late. I've decided to start filling the Stones, instead of filling the individual Chakras, and I've had an experience that ya'll might find of interest in your own development.
    From what I've studied, the stones appear on the energy body after it has been sufficiently developed-perhaps after unity with the Watcher?-and seem, imho, to provide us with a more efficient means of developing the entire energy body (including the Chakras) than just filling and energizing the Chakras alone. I was unsure of whether I'd developed the stones or not....viewing myself clairvoyantly, I always worry that I may be creating some of the images that appear in my minds eye. I know I should trust, and will with further work. As of now, my clairsentience is very well developed-I can trust it- and I undertook an experiment to see if I could verify the stones existence.
    After opening in protection and energizing (LBRP and Middle Pillar), I relaxed and began to raise energy. First, I "woke" the seven Chakras, and did the primary circuit for around ten breaths. Then, I undertook to fill the moon stone, visualizing it as a deep blue/purplish energetic structure covering my face and head. I breathed into my crown center, and then pushed it down and into the stone. Immediately I felt my Brow and Throat centers began to pulse and throb, and in very strong fashion. Interesting. I proceeded to fill the stone for a number of breaths, and then moved down to the sun stone, which had similar immediate effect on the heart and solar plexus centers. I moved down to the Earth stone, and it had a stimulating effect on the base and, suprisingly, the navel center, which wasn't located within the red sphere that I visualized at the base of my spine/perineum area.
    I'm not sure if the stones where already developed in me and "awoke" when i tried to fill them, but it seems likely. I suppose I may have managed to just fill a bunch of Chakras simultaneously. It does bear notice that the "quality" of the energies in each stone was consistent with their Hermetic attributions....i.e. Dark and Cold in the moon stone, Hot and expanding in the sun, Heavy and dense and Rich in the Earth stone.

    The primary circuit was a bit akward for me with the stones, so I did a Middle Pillar-like circulation instead of directly storing energy. The feelings were intense, to say the least. Perhaps fifteen or so minutes in, I felt the pressure and intensity of a rising beginning at the base of my spine. I focused on my crown center, and the energy burned right on through me-it rose three times, once to my heart, and twice to my crown. It was intense, and I went immediately from being completely awake to having an intense series of visions. One of the visions was notable-i saw my girlfriend, who was sleeping next to me, holding her hands over my eyes. I pulled them down and off of my eyes, and she stood up, took a step, and disappeared. I opened my physical eyes and she was still asleep right next to me. I look up, and I saw a floating, incandescent purple orb right over me! Not sure what sort of entity this was, but I'm thinking something helpful. It didn't seem parasitic, just sort of floated there "looking" at me. Perhaps the vision was connected to some sort of veiling of my third eye, and I was able to see deeper after removing the hands?

    Anyway, thought I'd share. Hope the day finds you all well! Please feel free to share any insights or observations you have-love to hear them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Progress involving work with the Stones, Kundalini Risin

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunkencity
    I look up, and I saw a floating, incandescent purple orb right over me! .
    It is possible that this is your purple stone which appears above and behind the head of the magician and is noted before the green stone of the Heavens manifests .

    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  3. #3
    Sunkencity Guest
    Interesting-thanks for the thought Aunt Clair. In your experience, have you found the stones to be responsive behind the body as well? When I fill them, it seems only the front of my energetic body is receiving energy-I'd thought that they went all the way through the back. Is this normal, or will they "grow" through the front and to the back in time?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunkencity
    Interesting-thanks for the thought Aunt Clair. In your experience, have you found the stones to be responsive behind the body as well? When I fill them, it seems only the front of my energetic body is receiving energy-I'd thought that they went all the way through the back. Is this normal, or will they "grow" through the front and to the back in time?
    Imho, your perception is correct . The stones on the rear pillar will at first seem one way .For example,energy can enter through the front of the Sun stone and then pass thru the back of it to the rear pillar . But it cannot pass all the way through yet and should not . This temporary path forces the energy intake to fill the stones of the rear pillar and build up energy .

    Eventually , the rear pillar is fully functional and then the stones will pass energy in either direction from the rear face to the front face or vice versa .

    When you get that rear pillar fully open then the sides will begin to vent on each stone and this will open two more pillars of stones .

    [img] JNxDTDnAc2zZMLX!JGO9qcHvxMFMqN!ASF7M3j5VObOE3FTJSn hAqk5rXwLeVV*hjg*4TtFREHpEIhk/stones%20and%20bones.jpg[/img]?

    Then these columns of stones will begin to turn slowly . Initially they will only turn a bit at opportune times when you are feeling fully charged up and happy and healthy. Imho the columns will begin to move spontaneously in time with breath
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  5. #5
    Sunkencity Guest
    Thank you Aunt Clair-could I trouble you with one more question? How do you fill the stones above the head without running into the Crown center or Kether? Kether and my crown seem to have developed into one pulsing orb...the "feeling" is the same for me-I cant visualize them as seperate anymore. ( At least, not without great this normal?) Do these stones have hermetic energetic qualities I can use to fill them, to make it easier to avoid Kether's pull?
    ...Ok, maybe a five or so more questions, haha. Thanks again for your guidance!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunkencity
    Thank you Aunt Clair-could I trouble you with one more question? How do you fill the stones above the head without running into the Crown center or Kether?
    Do not be concerned . There is an aperture above the head like a biforcated straw thru which all energy from above comes into the human energy body . This is perfectly in syncronicity with the body . Kether will remain above the other stones
    with a court of 4 stones beneath for now . Be concerned instead with bringing alpha to omega . Buddha instructs us to thread our bow to Nirvana .
    Kether and my crown seem to have developed into one pulsing orb...the "feeling" is the same for me-I cant visualize them as seperate anymore. ( At least, not without great this normal?)
    Yes it is a stage attained by magicians . There are others experiencing this too .
    Do these stones have hermetic energetic qualities
    Each stone has a general hermetic quality and a unique distinct one too . eg Heavens is green which is generally air but the colour is Chartreuse Green and this is a primary colour of the air element indicating a lower vibration than Kether above it .
    ....I can use, to fill them, to make it easier to avoid Kether's pull?
    If you will sit in deliberate and dedicated meditation all will be revealed to you . You will learn breathing exercises and energy exercises to ease the transition and prepare for the next stage in majesty . Allow Kether to be the conductor of this beautiful symphony of the spheres.

    To harmonize the process ,there is a colour that comes soon though . In the golden brain beneath the hanged man is a golden brown honey like amber fluid . This is drawn up by the magician to the regenerate the human energy body as it begins to become depleted by all this alchemical work . This golden fluid gushes up the spinal chakral column and sprays down from above kether using the aperture as a fountain of sorts . This golden honey energy cascades down tuning the instrument of the celestial spheres and overlaying the silver net of indra with gold .

    I believe that all of the stones are already there when we are born and that it is by the continuous development of the human energy body thru exercises such as NEW that we are able to colour them up and allow them to manifest . I believe that the human energy body is a marvel and that it will help us to build up our light quotient as we expand our consciousness with its growth . We begin to understand instinctively how to allow it to expand further .So be confident that to make progress such as you and others have that you are doing everything right and well .

    The purple stone appears to be above Kether but it is actually above and behind it . When you project consciousness into it you will automatically enter into the Universal Mind. It is fitting that Kether is nearby but Kether is above it still at the core . The nature of the purple stone is water hermetically . It is the colour of Magick and it is called l'eau de prima materia meaning in French the water of the first matter or material . The top of mine is not open yet . When I pull energy down from the crown this opens the alpha aperture far above any stone even Kether . As it is placed on all humans . This will cause the energy to flow into all the stones as it progresses downward . And when it seems that the body is dry and needs to be filled more with this hermetic water , then water kundalini will manifest in the magician . The body is so perfectly orchestrated .

    There is a stone that is green and called the heavens that builds up over the blue moon stone . But it is still beneath Kether . Kether is like the fourntain high above all other stones thru which this shower of effulgence descends into the hungry energy body . There is a silver cube a gray stone above Kether but these are the clasp on the cosmic necklace of stones and these move the consciousness across the abyss so that the alpha becomes joined to the omega . The white of kether joins silver gray gold black and back towards the red chakra again. What complicates this is the mirror between which doubles the length of this string of stones .

    Once the magician joins them together they may easily attain Kether when they desire . You may notice a silver hemisphere develop above your head into which you can pass now . If you will travel the doors that open there you will find that straight up is Kether again and to the right as you enter or over the left ear there is the Road of Death entering the Park Monroe described and the Homes of Deceased Spirits .

    This Silver hemisphere appears like a crystal cave and it is quite breathtaking when you arrive . Noticing that it is half of a sphere like a bowl above our heads , I began to look for its other half . I found this recently as a golden brain beneath the head of the hanged man below the mirror .

    But if you bend the string of stones so to thread that bow to shoot from gold to silver the brain is in the wrong direction . Another conundrum .
    It is as if the crystal cave is a helmet and the brain lands on top of it . This is yet one more puzzle .

    I am reminded of how magicians had to bring the qlippoth into the sephiroth . When we were instructed to do this by spirit teachers , it seemed so strange but the method in this madness was patent soon . The qlippoth melt away and are consumed by the sephiroth . Thus , I feel that the brain will soon enter this helmet albeit in a perverse manner .

    Still this begs the question where is the other half of this domed hemisphere then ??....which will then be in two layers . Or should we find that the cave becomes a sphere and the brain becomes a full sphere too and the brain melts into the silver cave and is dissolved like the qlippoth were before it ? What would be the purpose of dissolving the brain of the hanged man ? Is it like to a qlippoth husk and will it be refuse superceded by a jeweled sephira brain instead .

    ...Ok, maybe a five or so more questions, haha. Thanks again for your guidance!
    I have many beloved peers working through this with me but none that are as keen in analysing the mathematical patterns and observing and quantifying the progression . I value your discussion and input , thank you so very much .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  7. #7
    Sunkencity Guest
    Thank you, kindly.

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