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Thread: Signs of Kundalini?

  1. #1
    Snowman23 Guest

    Signs of Kundalini?

    I have had a few symptoms which are leading me to beleive that I'm possibly experiencing some sort of pre-kundalini event.

    It started a few nights ago, when I had a sort of direct awareness of the coccyx, it's hard to explain. I just knew it was there, due to light sensations. This has progressed and I now recongize what feels like energy movement sensations at the base of the spine. I'm also having strange affects on digestion (mainly sensitivity). Does this sound Kundalini-related?

    This concerns me, firstly, because I'm 16 years old. I recall Robert Bruce said that you should be at least 27 to do anything with kundalini. I also don't think at this point in my life that I'm ready. I can't fast, or anything of that sort, my schedule is too busy, I need too many calories, etc. I've only been doing NEW for a couple weeks, too. Isn't this a bit early for something of this sort?

    Is there anything I can do to hold it off for a while? Should I halt energy related work until I'm older? Or should I be okay? Any advice will be greatfully appreciated.

  2. #2
    Celeborn Guest
    Sounds perfectly normal to me. As long as they do not become highly painful they should just be the normal sensations that occur for many of us when we begin doing energy clearing techniques. Digestion issues are the most common, in my experience. Spend some extra time moving your awareness through your abdominal area (again, stop if it becomes painful). When I first started clearing my spine I would get whole spikes of energy shooting up it that were strong enough to wake me up from sleep, hours after I had stopped doing awareness practices. But those passed after the first few months or so.

    Don't worry. Except in EXTREME cases, it is very difficult to raise your kundalini and does not happen accidentally. Those who do raise it without years of deliberate meditation tend to be people who have spent most of their life times examining the self or the nature of the universe, such as Carl Jung or Friedrich Nietzsche.

    If anything becomes painful, then simply take a break for a while and let your body adjust to the changes. These sensations are simply new to you, but if you continue on this path you will quickly grow accustomed to all manner of strange energy movement sensations throughout your body throughout the day without even having to intentionally trigger them. But, of course everything takes time. Enjoy the ride.

  3. #3
    Christian Guest
    Robert Bruce's advice that one should be of a cetain age to raise kundalini I think is, hmm... not true for my own development and regards to my own experiences. I think the physical age is one possible aspect for some people. Another one could be the level which one are at in regards to the overall development through lifetimes. I had a kundalini awakening after meditating for a year. After what I've read that's pretty fast. And I had my awakening when I was 23.

    Hard to say if your experiences of energy moving is related to kundalini, might be.

    To ease the process, if it is a case of kundalini activation, try to do "earthly" activities like excercising, walking and engage in your daily life.
    The thing that has helped through my toughest energy activations when it was to overwhelming, was to get some sleep. My favorite method for easing the kundalini experience.

    But meditation is also important and my experience tells me that there is a delicate balance with regards to doing just the right amount of meditation and energywork. For me when I had the most trouble with kundalini it could range from nothing to several hours. It's a question of using ones intuition and feel what's right for the moment.

    Kundalini has been an exiting journey for me but with it's dark periods. But today when I'm through the toughest times (so far) I feel blessed to have this energy in my life.


  4. #4
    Snowman23 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Celeborn
    Sounds perfectly normal to me. As long as they do not become highly painful they should just be the normal sensations that occur for many of us when we begin doing energy clearing techniques. Digestion issues are the most common, in my experience. Spend some extra time moving your awareness through your abdominal area (again, stop if it becomes painful). When I first started clearing my spine I would get whole spikes of energy shooting up it that were strong enough to wake me up from sleep, hours after I had stopped doing awareness practices. But those passed after the first few months or so.

    Don't worry. Except in EXTREME cases, it is very difficult to raise your kundalini and does not happen accidentally. Those who do raise it without years of deliberate meditation tend to be people who have spent most of their life times examining the self or the nature of the universe, such as Carl Jung or Friedrich Nietzsche.

    If anything becomes painful, then simply take a break for a while and let your body adjust to the changes. These sensations are simply new to you, but if you continue on this path you will quickly grow accustomed to all manner of strange energy movement sensations throughout your body throughout the day without even having to intentionally trigger them. But, of course everything takes time. Enjoy the ride.
    At times I feel shaky and electrical. The energy movement throughout my whole body has increased dramatically. My dreams are more intense, with more spontaneous lucid dreams and OBEs.

    A part of me enjoys it, but the other worries a lot. If this is typical, I'll stop worrying. My main concern was obviously awakening kundalini while I'm just starting out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christian
    To ease the process, if it is a case of kundalini activation, try to do "earthly" activities like excercising, walking and engage in your daily life.
    The thing that has helped through my toughest energy activations when it was to overwhelming, was to get some sleep. My favorite method for easing the kundalini experience.
    I've had high and low moments. I noticed that when I exercise it worsens the digestive symptoms. Perhaps that means I need to do it more...

  5. #5
    Celeborn Guest
    I went through similar digestive problems at about the three month marker in doing NEW. I spent a long time working through very deliberate circular energy movement exercises on my stomach for about a half hour every night before going to sleep for about a month. That eased the problem. Then I went through a three day fresh juice fast and colon cleanse, followed by more energy work in that area, and the problem disappeared altogether.

    Moving the awareness through the abdomen will stimulate the digestive process, making your stomach gurgle a bit. That is what you want because it means that you are moving accumulated junk out of areas that it would otherwise have just remained. Physiologically, I am pretty sure that the awareness work increases the blood flow to that area, and thus allows things to get moving.

    So, awareness alone should fix the problem eventually, but a fast a colon cleanse will speed the process up.

  6. #6
    Celeborn Guest
    Robert Bruce's advice that one should be of a cetain age to raise kundalini I think is, hmm... not true for my own development and regards to my own experiences.
    I am pretty sure that one of the main reasons for RBs age requirement is that by the time most people are around thirty years old they are more psychologically balanced or at least at home with themselves and their life situation. This will lessen the possibility of psychological trauma or even the insanity that often strikes people who raise their kundalini before they are mentally prepared.

    But since we are all different, this is no stead fast rule. I suspect that you, like myself, were once one of those children that everyone said was just 'born old,' aka mentally mature.

  7. #7
    Christian Guest
    Celeborn: I smiled when I read your last sentence of your last post I have always felt like an old soul... I thought of writing that in my last post but I didn't... but since you mentioned it I thought I'll write it down.

    As a matter of fact I've always felt kind of adult even when I was a child, I found it strange and wondered if it was just me who felt like that. I never asked anyone else about it so I don't know. Maybe I've found someone that's a bit like me in that aspect...

    That advice from Robert when I think about it is probably a sound advice to ease the process. The time at my awakening and after was very rough times and I surely wished for it to be easier. But I must mention that I was very unstable when kundalini awakened in me. If I had been more like the "normal" me it would probably have been a lot easier (I just broke out of a cult, very extreme situation).

    I often give the advice when speaking of kundalini that it is important to be mentally and emotionally stable when dealing with this powerful energy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    This thread is inspiring me to start a dialogue on Kundalini symptoms. In this and other sites there are a bunch of "Kundalini Symptoms" and dialogue about it. I'd like to know (In another thread, maybe with a poll attached to it) for those of you who have awakened and/or raised their Kundalini, how it felt and experiences. Not 'what's supposed to happen' but 'what happened'. I think I'll do that now.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9
    Snowman23 Guest
    I've always related to adults better. In fact, many times when I was younger I avoided ''playing'' with other children because they bored me with their video games and television shows. I was more interested in exploring a large wooded area by myself, and other things I thought were more productive.

    Thanks for the advice. I'll start doing the awareness actions. I guess I was just suprised by the higher levels of activation and jumped to the conclusion that it was Kundalini. I have a much more positive outlook now.

  10. #10
    violetsky Guest

    Re: Signs of Kundalini?

    This would be just the very very beginning stages. To get an idea of some of the stages of kundalini refer to this website. Click on each number to read about the various stages.

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