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Thread: Physical exercise and energy work... Can it be balanced?

  1. #1
    Nikolai Guest

    Physical exercise and energy work... Can it be balanced?

    Responding to one of the questions asked in the "Ask Robert Bruce" section Mr. Bruce said "Regular physical exercise, in particular, tends to deactivate the higher functioning of the energy body."

    I really do love weightlifting... Does anyone know of an effective way to do both physical and spiritual work? Am I just going to have to cut back on physical exercise if I want to get the most out of my energy work?

    I eat a lot too....

    Maybe a specific schedule could help me to accomplish both?


  2. #2
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    Could you provide a link to this statement, please?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Nikolai Guest
    Yeah, sorry about that....

    I'm so forgetful these days...

  4. #4
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    He's not saying that physical exercise is bad for projecting or energy raising. He's saying that focusing on the physical is a good way to stop an unwanted kundalini raising, deflecting the focus off the spiritual. And ameliorating the side-effects.
    Physical exercise, especially chi-moving exercise, is a form of energy work. Like Tai Chi and Qi Gong. So if you, for example lift weights using the chi (as in exhaling on the 'push' and inhaling on the 'relax') you are doing energy work. So it's ok to work out. But if you want to work on awareness, don't do it 'til exhaustion.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
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    What kind of diet are you using to support your weight lifting? And what kind of environment do you exercise in? I don't think it is the exercise itself, if exercise can deactivate the upper chakras, so much as the things which go along with it. Energy tends to flow where your attention goes. If you eat foods that are hard to digest, and if your exercise is in an environment which does not support the upper chakras, or if the physical is your main focus, then yes it could keep you from upper chakra development. There are ways to avoid this. I have read in books on Yoga that you can combine weight lifting with energy raising and visualizing your muscles becoming strong and healthy and shaped the way you want them. You can make the upper chakras and higher qualities of energy your priorities and the actual physical movements secondary. The energy bounce exercises in NEW are perfect for this because they require minimal attention to keep them going once you have them set up. You can focus mainly on your weight lifting, and that is a good thing, because lifting weights while not watching what you are doing is a good way to get hurt.

    Although I forgot where, I read that cherry juice is very good for recovery after exercise. It helps you to have less soreness and helps the muscles to develop faster.

    L-arginine is good, too, taken 3-5 grams daily with water on an empty stomach. It triggers the release of growth hormone, and the excess causes nitric oxide production.

    Another thing that just now occurs to me is that if you repeat a mantra such as "Om namah Shivaya" while you lift weights that would be a very good thing. Maybe you can even set the movements of your exercise to the rhythm of the mantra, whichever one you choose, if you choose a mantra. I just suggested this one because I like it so much.

  6. #6
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    Tom wrote:
    Energy tends to flow where your attention goes.
    Thanks, Tom. That's what I wanted to say in my hasty way.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7
    Nikolai Guest
    Thanks for the replies guys. I guess I just misinterpreted all of what he was getting at.

    Well, I work out in my garage. My dark, ice cold garage. Not the best area I know, but what can you do?

    As for my diet... I do eat a lot of protein, whether in the powdered form or in meat, which is hard to digest... I also take some supplements like creatine and tribulus among other things that have led to a few physical problems. I'm not sure if they've had any effect on my energy body, but I'd assume that it must have had some. Lately I've only been taking creatine and eating lots of food and I've been feeling pretty good. Then again I started energy work after lifting weights/supplementing and changes in diet so I have no comparison.

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Qi Gong sounds interesting. Know of any good instructional books?

  8. #8
    rapidlearner Guest
    Im going to be honest...

    I think you know, deep down, that taking all those supplements (especially creatine) to improve your physical appearence has no relevance to your spirituality. It's pure vanity to bulk yourself to excess. I know it's your life and you should do what makes you happy but I don't think you would be here asking these such questions if you thought it wasn't effecting your spiritual evolution. Your subconscious is telling you something and once you understand the nature of your question, you'll realise why your concerned.

    Keeping the tool your spirit lives in fit and health is obviously good for you... You do not need to take muscle building supplements to look good. Your personality will do that.

    Harsh, I know! but I've seen people become obsessed with their bodies and it takes over their lives.

  9. #9
    Rhone Guest
    Physical exercise has a "grounding" effect--it burns off excess energy and puts your focus in the physical world. That's why you see RB recommending it for people who are having wacky energy stuff going on.

    As others have said, it doesn't hinder your development; in fact, having a strong and healthy body can help clear out blockages and help your energy flow better. I wouldn't recommend trying to do any kind of serious energy or trance work immediately after strenuous exercise (but it would be fine after light qigong or yoga exercise), for the reasons mentioned above. However, again for the reasons mentioned above, I think strenuous physical exercise after trance/energy work is not only okay, but good. I suspect it would help to circumvent a lot of the "help help, my energy is doing wacky stuff out of my control!!" problems people complain about.

    Make sure you do a lot of stretching... I think it helps to loosen up blockages that can be created from all the tension built up in your muscles during strength training.

  10. #10
    Nikolai Guest
    Rapidlearner - No problem. I appreciate your honest opinion.

    I actually see your point and agree with you on this one. I think that after I mature a bit I'll be able to understand and pursue what I need to. I guess I'm in a bit of an experimental mode right now.

    I just wanted to be sure that this sort of thing is going to make AP extremely difficult or nearly impossible because I do find it very interesting and I would like to have a better "hands-on" understanding of it all.

    Rhone - Thanks for your suggestions buddy. I will try my energy work before training and see if it works better for me. I had never thought of stretching in that way.

    Again, this novice really appreciates all of your input. Thanks guys!

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