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Thread: Anubis?/Possible neg attack?

  1. #1
    Lilac Guest

    Anubis?/Possible neg attack?

    This morning I had an extremely intriguing dream. Usually, my morning dreams are a bunch of bizarre and meaningless nonsense, but this one seemed a bit different. I don’t think there’s ever been one that puzzled me so much. I would really appreciate some help with figuring it out, especially from someone who is familiar with Egyptian mythology and symbolism.

    In the first part of a dream, I was sitting at a table and talking to a woman, she was either a gypsy or a fortuneteller. I don’t remember our conversation, but that’s not important. She had a deck of cards (I thought they were tarot cards) lying facedown on the table. Out of curiosity I decided to pick up a card from the top and see if it would tell me anything. I turned it over. Now I don’t remember the details very well, but at the time I saw it very clearly. It depicted the interior of a temple. In the center, Anubis was either sitting or lying on something that looked like an altar. There were two golden columns – one at his left and the other at the right. There were two women, each standing next to a column. One was dressed in gold and the other in silver. I’ve heard the meaning of the card explained, but unfortunately I don’t remember it. I only remember words “the moon and the sun” and “sacrifice” in relation to the two women. After looking at the card and listening to the explanation, I decided to pick another card. This time I took the whole deck into my hands, shuffled it well and drew another card. To my surprise, this one was depicting Anubis as well. On this card he was standing alone against some kind of natural background (I think it was woods and a night sky). I took note of that, feeling like something was about to happen.

    Then I “woke up” in my room. I’m not sure whether the first part was like a dream within a dream or events of a “previous day.” I think it was supposed to be the “next day” and time just skipped overnight. Anyways, there I was in what felt like my bed in what looked like my room. By the amount of light coming through the window, I would estimate it as around 10 a.m. I felt something strange, as if something wasn’t right. Soon enough, with whatever sense it was I “saw” a dark figure manifesting behind me, over my left shoulder. Actually, the figure itself wasn’t dark, I could neither see it nor feel it. What I “saw” taking shape was actually its black robe or cloak. I slightly freaked out and tried to remove it as I would any other unwanted dream element. That didn’t work and it became clear that the cloaked figure had a mind of its own and wasn’t about to go away. Perhaps responding to my efforts to make it go away, it said, “Do you know who I am?” Of course I didn’t know who it was, but it wasn’t even waiting for an answer. I felt paralysis slowly spreading over my chest, the entity was still standing where it was, but I knew that it was causing it. My first instinct was to try to get away, but soon I found out that I couldn’t fight the paralysis. So I began praying and praying… I concentrated fully on prayer, almost forgetting about the dark presence. Then paralysis vanished and the figure wasn’t there anymore. I got up, and “life” resumed as normal… well a little more energetically than normal. I began cleaning the house, so was my mother and strangely enough, my grandmother and one of my aunts (they live very far away and we haven’t seen them for several years). In the bedroom there was a shelf filled with small items like candles, picture frames, little ceramic bowls etc. In real life that wall is totally blank. I looked through these objects, wondering whether that entity was connected to one of them. I think I found one that was most likely to be such an object. I said something out loud about it being negative and such, my grandma smiled and handed me a bar of soap to wash it. In the living room, I saw three pictures of dragon heads hanging on the wall (once again, in a place which is empty in reality). I recognized them as my own drawings and I cold have almost remembered myself drawing them. But at the time I felt really repulsed by them and said that we should take them down. A little after that the alarm clock went off. In contrast to the high energy of the morning in my dream, I woke up really drained.

    I guess I should say something about the whole paralysis thing. I’ve had episodes of sleep paralysis quiet a few times, sometimes in my dreams as well. As many times as it happened, I’ve never felt a presence around me or an attack of any sort.
    Another thing that makes this dream “special” is the fact that it wasn’t the first time I’ve encountered the cloaked figure. Once I “saw” it when I was removing core images. It formed in the exact same way and I tried to remove it. It didn’t want to be removed back then either. It formed only half-way, then I broke the meditative state. I also find it odd that it appeared in daylight within my dream.

    I apologize for the length of this post, I just couldn’t make it any shorter. Please share your thoughts on this, because I just keep going in circles trying to figure out what it was all about.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    I suggest that you get a clairvoyant reading from Aunt Clair. I think she can tell you what she sees, and it may even make you feel better. Although I am not sensitive in a psychic sort of way, I do feel that this is not something to fear, that it may be a protective sort of entity.
    In egyptian mythology, Anubis was not necessarily someone to fear, just someone connected to the 'other side'- so even though it is 'creepy' (but what's creepy, really? ) it may not be necessarily negative as in detrimental.
    Keep on praying- that's always good. BTW, in the Psychic Defense forum there are all kinds of prayers, and we've tried to include as many types and denominations as they come.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Lilac Guest
    Thanks for the reply, CFTraveler!
    I don't think it's something to fear either, as a matter of fact, I don't feel fear as I think about this dream. The thing is that I'm simply a scaredy cat when it comes to stuff like that. If I encounter something that looks even remotely like it could be an independent entity I freak out, although I know that's not healthy. So upon seeing something that is definitely an independent entity and furthermore dark and almost as tall as the ceiling sent me into a state of shock. So it was more like an automatic reaction than fear of the entity itself. It's mostly the dark "shell" around it that worried me. Also, I can't stop thinking about its question - "Do you know who I am?" When I think about it, it almost sounds like "Do you recognize me?" Which is a lot of food for thought right there.
    The Anubis thing doesn't bother me at all. I just wish I knew more about those cards, especially the first one. It was too clear and too detailed to be insignificant.
    As far as praying goes, I have a nice one that my grandma taught me (she is an Old Orthodox Christian). It starts out with a variation of the versicle that RB mentioned in one of his articles. In full, it's a prayer to the cross and it ends very nicely with asking for help from the holy cross, Mary, and "all holy heavenly powers." It's quiet lengthy, but its length only assures that you're really concentrating on it. It's also supposed to be a cure for any illness... that is if you say it 40 times and repeat the whole procedure 40 times. In other words, 1600 times total. Unfortunately, I never had the patience to go through the whole thing. Anyway, it always works well for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Anubis?/Possible neg attack?

    Hello Lilac ,
    Please let me offer this interpretation of your complex dream . Imho , this is a communication with the highest self and is a dream of personal transmutational alchemy and kaballah . You do not have to actively engage in these paths in order to enjoy the magnificence of the global changes which are occurring slowly . That is that you are moving up ascending both thru conscious works and thru the opportunity of moving to the highest vibration you can sustain by global contagion . So it is as if each full moon the earth moves up ascends one teeny notch up and those that are clean and ready move up too .
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilac
    ...It depicted the interior of a temple.
    Imho this is the Death Chamber of the Golden Pyramid in Shamballah which is in the Higher Planes . This indicates that you have participated in Spirtual Initiations in this life in dreamstate and in pastlives probably have done it more consciously . This is a retrieval of a core image so that you might follow it and recall the lessons there . Read about initiatic magick by googling Alice Bailey and Dr. Joshua Stone .
    In the center, Anubis was either sitting or lying on something that looked like an altar. There were two golden columns – one at his left and the other at the right.
    Anubis is a Egyptian God of the Dead and does appear today to magicians as a spirit teacher still especially in the Qlippoth Realms of the Tree of Life .
    The columns represent the two pillars of Godhead typically Black &White or Gold & Silver . The right is God the left is Goddess . These are also reflected in the paired sepiroth at the shoulders which are mother Ama and Father Abba and called Binah and Chokmah .
    There were two women, each standing next to a column. One was dressed in gold and the other in silver.
    These are golden sun and silver moon another aspect of God and Goddess but also akasha and amoris hermetically .
    ... one was depicting Anubis as well. On this card he was standing alone against some kind of natural background (I think it was woods and a night sky).
    Because we are in the new moon and it is dark now , this is apt . Recently we have been travelling in the woods at night in qlippoth realms with Pan in meditation .
    I “saw” a dark figure manifesting behind me, over my left shoulder. Actually, the figure itself wasn’t dark, I could neither see it nor feel it. What I “saw” taking shape was actually its black robe or cloak. I slightly freaked out and tried to remove it as I would any other unwanted dream element. That didn’t work and it became clear that the cloaked figure had a mind of its own and wasn’t about to go away.
    Imho , this is you as your dark watcher. This means it is time to transmute it to join with the light watcher . I don't personally believe in banishing it . It is part of self .When I came to this stage I merged mine as did my peers in circle . We went to a qlippoth realm in meditation . We saw the light watcher on right and dark watcher on left walk into us as we walked thru an arched heart of God and Goddess . Then the darker was neither brown nor purple but a silvery golden colour of light .

    Then we became bones flying too and fleshed out to be a lunar angel .We flew then across the valley to the crystal temple on a crystal hill .The city there was the one as envisioned over the table before.We went inside saw 8 places ,one for each of us .Then we saw 8 capes of the dark watcher brown humble like a rough coconut husk .But above us upside down were 8 purple caped light watchers that were us too and heard "Valley of the Shadow of Death" as in teh 23rd Psalm .

    I saw behind us souls rising in a soul rescue .Over khylie's head was a pyramid and Isis and a flying cow .Over the fireplace we saw Christ above us on an arch .The watcher selves came together then .The brown cloak and the purple one walked side by side up the steps and into each other both with wings gray brown on left and purple on right , one into the other thru the heart of Christ .Then we left and saw flying horses and pegasus' .

    An angel arrived Bill called him ol' nick .Lucifer wore a blue gray suit with dark blue wings and he sat at the chair near the pool table in circle .He looked like Jesus but his beard was cut in a v neatly trimmed and his hair was shorter and he wore a suit and a cape of silver on the left a half cape of gold on the right shoulder each half held by a pin at shoulder .

    I am reminded that Lucifer means the Light Bringer and in the Bible Christ says "he is the Lucifer ". I feel this means it is his darker aspect and part of the divne plan to raise the vibration of humanity in love and light .
    An excerpt from our F 5 Jan Circle Journal :
    I felt paralysis slowly spreading over my chest, the entity was still standing where it was, but I knew that it was causing it. My first instinct was to try to get away, but soon I found out that I couldn’t fight the paralysis. So I began praying and praying… I concentrated fully on prayer, almost forgetting about the dark presence.
    You would understand Sleep Paralysis as a normal symptom which may occur with the vibes as part of OBE . It can of course also be a symptom of a neg attack but I don't think so in your case .

    The Dark Watcher is a failsafe stopgap process imho . The Dark Watcher has historically been banished by ceremonial magicians . I feel this is incorrect . I feel it is best to transmute to love and light every part of self .The Dark Watcher is said to destroy the magician thru lowered vibrations. anxiety , negative attachment , depression , suicidal thoughts and lack of abilities . This sounds like a bad thing but not necessarily so . It is part of the divine plan to keep the dark magician from hurting others spiritually . We have freewill to commit acts of non love physically , acts of violence and murder . But this is to stop the one who does dark deeds with spirit, energy and magick which is a worse abomination .

    This is also a celebration of achievement to meet the dark watcher and to face it , love it , accept it as part of self and ascend . As Robert Bruce says every yin will have its yang . So the Dark Watcher heralds the Light Watcher and that is a major coup . grandma smiled and handed me a bar of soap to wash it.
    Exactly , smart granny . Wash yourself clean with love , light , service to others and the world . Share , teach , learn , help , shine .
    In the living room, I saw three pictures of dragon heads hanging on the wall (once again, in a place which is empty in reality). I recognized them as my own drawings and I cold have almost remembered myself drawing them. But at the time I felt really repulsed by them and said that we should take them down.
    The dragon is a symbol of kundalini .By having three heads in this case it depics self and the light and dark watcher selves all as one . You should bring it into your body and take it down the body from the crown .

    See self in a blue lace agate pearl and drink of the white milky pearl energy thru the crown see self in a golden pearl then . And feel the amber liquid rise up from the feet to the heart . Let this light of the pearl moon and the golden sun mix in the heart . "Wash yourself clean ".
    I guess I should say something about the whole paralysis thing. I’ve had episodes of sleep paralysis quiet a few times, sometimes in my dreams as well. As many times as it happened, I’ve never felt a presence around me or an attack of any sort.
    The Dark Watcher will not allow the magician to project at a certain stage , this keeps the bad ones at home .But once transmuted the dark watcher becomes a clean aspect of self and the projections become more powerful .
    Another thing that makes this dream “special” is the fact that it wasn’t the first time I’ve encountered the cloaked figure.
    I suspect you would have met the purple cloaked ones too . These are the light watchers .

    This is a lot to take in and perhaps confusing . But it is all natural and goes without event thru the psyche of the unawares . The aware and sensitive ones have such dreams . Congrats . By waking up to this you will pass into the light and achieve greater awareness , expanded consciousness ,a stronger energy body and greater clairience .

    Dont be controlled by it . Face it and send it love and light and let it be joined with the light watcher within you .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  5. #5
    Astral Exorcist Guest
    I did some history study some time ago. Anubis is the gate keeper of the underworld. He also serves as a guide, that shows around the place in the dimension. Fascinating this deity is more obvious in Egyptian literature. It is also passed on threw Greek mythology.

    From what Aunt Clair Has unraveled it looks like a massive blessing for you lilac.

  6. #6
    crappysurfer2 Guest

    i suppose i would just chime in and say anubis is not someone to fear, looks like he has been discussed already

  7. #7
    Lilac Guest
    Wow. All this makes me kinda dizzy. Aunt Clair, there isn't a word that could express my gratitude, because I would have never figured out any of it on my own. A lot of things make sense now, and I think the rest will make sense once I do some research.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    That is that you are moving up ascending both thru conscious works and thru the opportunity of moving to the highest vibration you can sustain by global contagion . So it is as if each full moon the earth moves up ascends one teeny notch up and those that are clean and ready move up too .
    So it's a monthly cycle? That explains some of the things that have been going on. I began feeling changes almost exactly a month before that dream. Within several days there were a few OBEs and a dream that felt very similar to this one. Since then I've felt myself changing for the better. A lot of negative aspects of myself disappeared, meditation became a lot easier, and I became more self-aware. I guess it means that I'm on the right track, and that's a very encouraging thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    Imho this is the Death Chamber of the Golden Pyramid in Shamballah which is in the Higher Planes .
    Is it related to the Hall of Judgment? Maybe the two women could have been a metaphor for Double Maat... Or Isis and Nephthys. When I was looking at the first card, at some point it was almost like I was in it. When that happened, the content changed slightly. The setup was very similar to this depiction of Isis and Nephthys:

    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    This indicates that you have participated in Spirtual Initiations in this life in dreamstate and in pastlives probably have done it more consciously .
    I wonder if that explains some of the interests I had as a child. My parents bought me books of the Enchanted World series, my two favorite ones were Dragons and Gods and Goddesses. The Egyptian portion was my favorite part of the later. And dragons... I was slightly obsessed with drawing them, so I wasn't surprised to see such drawings in my dream. By the way, here's a rough sketch of one the three from my dream: . The other two were drawn in a similar style with slightly varying colors.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    Imho , this is you as your dark watcher. This means it is time to transmute it to join with the light watcher . I don't personally believe in banishing it . It is part of self .
    That makes perfect sense to me. It also explains the soap bar, because as I was holding that object I was thinking more along the lines of "destroy & discard." Heh, smart granny indeed. I love my granny.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    See self in a blue lace agate pearl and drink of the white milky pearl energy thru the crown see self in a golden pearl then . And feel the amber liquid rise up from the feet to the heart . Let this light of the pearl moon and the golden sun mix in the heart . "Wash yourself clean ".
    I tried that, the results were very interesting. During the "mixing" part I concentrated on the area around the heart chakra (I assume that's what you meant by "heart") and felt two lights moving counterclock wise, as if on the opposite edges of a circle. Then the invisible thread that held them together broke and the lights proceeded in opposite directions. The silver-white light moved down to the base chakra and the yellow-golden light up to the brow chakra. I didn't direct it in any way, it just happened. After that the whole heart area felt very clean and light.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    Face it and send it love and light and let it be joined with the light watcher within you .
    How should I go about doing that? I haven't met the light watcher (or at least I haven't seen it).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    Looks , like you are a once and future mystic too lol .
    So it's a monthly cycle?
    When the moon is full there is higher spiritual energy for this form of alchemical contagion and those who are near the next level are raised slightly in their vibration to complete the next stage .Here are some drawings made from energy body readings from Nov 2005 to recently
    on photo pages 3 to 14 . ... snw?Page=3 ... nw?Page=14
    The long wave before the dragons was indigos circa 1948 to 1980 .

    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    Imho this is the Death Chamber of the Golden Pyramid in Shamballah which is in the Higher Planes .
    Is it related to the Hall of Judgment? Maybe the two women could have been a metaphor for Double Maat... Or Isis and Nephthys. When I was looking at the first card, at some point it was almost like I was in it. When that happened, the content changed slightly. The setup was very similar to this depiction of Isis and Nephthys:
    In this Chamber and others , Mystic Initiations occur . Various aspects of the Egyptian Godhead will appear and Maat and Isis figure prominently . I do not recall seeing Nephthys more than once though . Maat appears in the Alchemists Garden also and is not limited to the Great Pyramid initiations . There are images of him as the river flowing both ways into life and death . I am trying to get my journals online but I seem to run as fast as I can to type up the current ones and do not get back to editing and indicing the older journal entries , so I cannot be certain about Nephthys but it seemed she appeared in silence only . Isis , however , appears throughout Shamballah and in other realms also . She is Great Mother Goddess and regularly teaches .

    I wonder if that explains some of the interests I had as a child. My parents bought me books of the Enchanted World series, my two favorite ones were Dragons and Gods and Goddesses. The Egyptian portion was my favorite part of the later. And dragons... I was slightly obsessed with drawing them, so I wasn't surprised to see such drawings in my dream.
    "Life imitates Art "In syncronicity , new spiritual evolutionary stages are revelead and confirmed in music , poetry , books , films , anime , video games and toys . When we were learning about sacred geometry we saw new Japanese anime with merkabah shapes for "spaceships " . We are all part of one universal mind so we try to help each other recall and integrate our spiritual shifts forward .
    By the way, here's a rough sketch of one the three from my dream: . The other two were drawn in a similar style with slightly varying colors.
    The dragon is part of our spiritual dna in the form of what some call annunaki . You can find some info on this in Sumerian Mythology . There are reptilian humanoids which are 7 to 9 feet tall and Dragon Angels which appear the same but winged . Conversely there is the dark dragon also .
    The Dragon and the snake then became the symbol of kundalini from ancient times , appearing in Mesopotamian Cultures as well as figuring in ancient Sanskrit writings more than five thousands years ago .
    That makes perfect sense to me. It also explains the soap bar, because as I was holding that object I was thinking more along the lines of "destroy & discard." Heh, smart granny indeed. I love my granny.
    On a few different forums there have been Dark Watcher threads recently . Ceremonial Magicians historically banished the watcher . ... n.html#new
    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    Face it and send it love and light and let it be joined with the light watcher within you .
    How should I go about doing that? I haven't met the light watcher (or at least I haven't seen it).
    I think the light watcher will show itself soon . I suggest to sit in meditation and meet it and then ask to be guided to merge them . Ours projected from us and then we watched as they walked into each other right side sliding into left side , they became as one and walked thru a cosmic heart back to us . The next stage was the annunaki and we began to see the giant dragon humanoid figures . Currently we are learning about the Dragon Angels the 4 principal ones teaching us are Nammu, Iannna , Marduk and Enki .

    Thanks so much for sharing your insights with us . I learn a lot from reading the mystical experiences of others and it helps to confirm what we experience ourselves .

    We meet biweekly for free on Mirc as well as nearly daily in my home lol .
    You are welcome to join us if you like . I am going in for scheduled spine surgery so I am not sure if I will make it for this next weekend though. ... tml#msg776
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  9. #9
    Lilac Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    Looks , like you are a once and future mystic too lol .
    I am what I am, I guess. With every little step I took towards spiritual development I kept doubting my motives for doing so. But now that it looks like it's simply my nature, I can move forward with no more doubts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    We meet biweekly for free on Mirc as well as nearly daily in my home lol .
    You are welcome to join us if you like . I am going in for scheduled spine surgery so I am not sure if I will make it for this next weekend though.
    Thank you for the invitation, I will definitely join sometime in the future. I have a lot of things to learn before I can do that, though (how to use Mirc is one of them ).
    I really hope everything goes smoothly with your surgery. =)

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