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Thread: spirits of small animals

  1. #1
    bmercury Guest

    spirits of small animals

    I've recently had a mouse put down and another one within the next week waits the same fate.
    they both had tumours, they both went for surgery to have the lump removed unfortunately it came back, as there is not much else I can do, I have to have them put down when the tumour start to cause problems. I'm still not fully recovered from the last mouse and now it's happening to my other one, it seriously cutting me up inside.
    most people don't care they say it's only a mouse then they start moaning at me for how much to pay for the operations.
    but it's my mouse they mean everything to me.
    do small animals such as mice have spirits and do they go to the same place as dogs or cats.
    and has anyone here ever seen a spirit of such animals.

  2. #2
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    Pets are very important in our lives, and sometimes we love them as much as the rest of our family. I'm sorry about your mice- I have a friend that has one and she is very smart. (Her name is Lucy). I'm not sure why the tumor things happen- I had three dogs and two of them (the same breed) developed tumors in their heads- luckily they lived a full life expectancy, but why both? Many scientists think that some forms of cancer (they certainly know it's a fact for some) are caused by viruses, which could explain why more than one. The breed (or sub-breed, in your case) could have a genetic predisposition also. I will say a prayer for your pet.

    ps. I don't see why mice couldn't have a spirit- IMO, if it's alive, it has a spirit, because the spirit is life. Just MO. I have seen my deceased dogs in projection, and one of my live cats, for whatever comfort that gives you.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    bmercury Guest
    thanks CFTraveler.
    it does bring some comfort knowing that.
    mice are very prone to tumours, and with my two is genetic they both are sisters.
    it must have been very wonderful seeing spirits of your animals I hope I'll will be able to see the spirits of mine one day..

  4. #4
    Two mice have thoughtfully gone through a great deal of effort to give their lives for you in this dramatic way. Have you considered what the message might be?

    Perhaps you are holding onto something that is festering and would be better off let go?

    PS ALL living things have spirits of some kind.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by wstein
    Two mice have thoughtfully gone through a great deal of effort to give their lives for you in this dramatic way. Have you considered what the message might be?

    Perhaps you are holding onto something that is festering and would be better off let go?

    PS ALL living things have spirits of some kind.
    bmercury, it is a sign of your quality that you feel this way. Love is a feeling that crosses all boundaries & knows no limits.

    Yeeeew... way to show depth of sympathy...

    Why should it be anything to do with bmercury that a pet dies? If they are spirit, they are living their own lives in this realm & experiencing their own path. bmercury's path may have been to love them before they return to source.

    Surely the enlightened can do a better job than laying the death of loved ones at the door of those who love? Such comment shows (to me) a lack of feeling for fellow spirit.
    Never doubt there is Truth, just doubt that you have it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    J'man, I think wstein was simply putting another spin on it. Without denying that the mice follow their own path, he was perhaps suggesting that their presence also offered something in the way of a lesson about life and death. This is a lesson we must all learn and develop a healthy response to, I guess.

    Bmercury, I love animals too and it's awful to see them suffer. It doesn't matter if the animal is large or small, we can form an attachment to it and I think that's a spiritual thing.

    The average lifespan of a mouse is three years. Could yours have just been old perhaps?

    I believe strongly that animals have souls. My sister often saw the spirit of her little Jack Russell in the months after it died.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  7. #7
    I'm a great follower of 'coincidence'. It seemed to me that the same thing was about to happen again in a short space of time. Often (not always) coincidence is a message. Unfortunately the messenger is not always pleasant.

    Although I'm not sure I entirely agree, it has been suggested that some of 'us' (includes various lifeforms) agree to come to provide lessons for others in whatever form is necessary for learning. Sometimes this means coming to die at a timely moment.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  8. #8
    Wrong Eye Guest
    I fully believe everything has a spirit, from plants to animals to humans to other beings, and that this life is meant for loving one another. "I love, therefore I am".

    Your mice and you loved one another, for a very long time it seems like, and in that space of time you became very close.

    There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can separate two beings once that bond of love has been formed. Nothing will ever allow them to say "goodbye" completely, for to say goodbye is to break that bond, and from what I understand of love, goodbye is never an option.

    When I lost people, either from leaving or through death, I have never been able to say "goodbye" and I have to believe it is only a temporary absence- for if you are constantly loving and forming heart- and soul-bonds and then having to say goodbye, that is a senseless and utterly hopeless existence. I do not subscribe to that kind of nonsense.

    I believe love is eternal. I believe it is our purpose in life.

    Don't lose hope and know you are always connected so you never have to say "goodbye".

    (And in writing that, I know I have found my own sort of peace... funny how these things work.)

  9. #9
    bmercury Guest
    thanks for your kind replies.
    The tumour has got a lot worse now unfortunately I'm unable to do anything more ,she has gone to the vets to get put to sleep. I'm so gutted its feels like someone stabbing me in the heart and twisting the blade.
    making the decision to have the animal put down can be the most hardest things you can ever make, and you will always wonder what is it the right choice.
    I draw comfort form what people have said on this forums and my personal beliefs and experiences.
    The Celtic people used to believe you should not mourn the death of someone but it's the time of celebrating for the departed as being reborn into other life.

  10. #10
    !CCDMN! Guest
    I've seen spirits of animals many times when projecting and I am quite certain that even small animals kept as pets can be met in astral/RTZ after they die. Recently during an OOBE I saw a pair of zebra finches (a bird similar to sparrow) that I kept as pets until eight years ago. I completely forgot how their call sounds and couldn't figure out what makes that sound until I saw them.
    I wonder if wild animals have some kind of afterlife too, or an emotional attachement is needed...

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