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Thread: Once I had too much energy

  1. #11
    Doesn't Rober Bruce his NEW information cover to release energy through the arms and hands? It's the energy-raising process is reverse so to speak. Perhaps you could try that. So reverse energy raising actions in the legs and arms; dumping energy. Or give some to me!!!

    And further I don't believe that God is a person. According to all these reality-books out there, God is basicly "intelligent thinking stuff". It's "just" energy and universal Laws that are at work, according to these books. I find that more likely then believing that you could offend some personalized God figure, sitting on a cloud with a white beard (or whatever).

  2. #12
    Alaskans Guest
    I am sincerely sorry I offended you CFtraveler. I was only trying to say that (everyone) should not avoid religion like the plague because we are afraid of being infected with false ideas. We know the truth, and we should always be able to hold the truth and search for a greater understanding of it, no matter what people are telling us (though we need to judge what they are saying as well, since some of it may be true). I'm preaching to the choir, I know, but my post need to be clarified.

    You could not tell who I was directing it to because I was trying to direct it to everybody. I already knew where you were CF, I support you totally, I only wanted to tell you we should try our best to not choose a path but make it. I was doing spiritual work on my own, but felt more and more disconnected from the greater powers, and it really bothered me. I was directed to a church by God or some higher up and it has helped me a lot, and I have helped them a lot (or thats what it seems). I practice my own thing, but I also go to the church to channel Christ (carefull not to get carried away in the church's currents I go to him with nothing and seek him in nothing.) I bring them the divine unhindered by human beleifs. Once I brought them Heaven, but Christ is greater. I call it transforming to the aspect of Christ, or cultivating Christ. Of course I take no credit for any of it, I only take credit for requesting.

    What I meant by 'simply understand his teachings and show them' is that Christ teaches the same stuff all good people beleive in, and what this NEW age movement beleives in (he even explains the dynamics in parabols). The people at church read Christ's words but they dont understand them because they are stuck in strong currents of thoughts (always avoid those), the best way to get to them is quote thier own teacher and tell them what he is talking about. I find the only way to help people is to make a bridge between common ground between thier interests and the truth, such as showing a scientist God by using science.
    I am not trying to force anything on anybody, only illuminate an area people tend to avoid.

    I apologise again CFtraveler, may love be with you.

    EDIT: Thank you Wrongeye for the quote It was a traumatic night, and I thought about giving up, but I took it as a test of resolve. I think things are looking up now.
    I said stay out of currents and thinking traps, but Compassion is right, and Truth is very powerfull. There are other sub currents that are also bennificial, but others are not.

  3. #13
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    may love be with you
    With you too.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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