Quote Originally Posted by Hegemony
I thought electromagnetic fields were harmful?
Yes some of them are! I related in one of the threads I link how I had a "spirit" (neg) around me that was giving off subtle Em fields in the 5 microtesla range and also posted my thoughts that it is these Em fields given off by certain Inorganic beings that may be causing some illnesses (I also linked articles showing that some Em fields may be causing illnesses such as cancer). If a person has a small neg/parasite attached and it is constantly giving off a small Em field (as most 'ghosts' do) then that is causing a disruption to the victims energy at that spot (which is what I believe might be causing cancerous lumps in some cases. Especially as Robert says that lumps may be a sign of neg attachment in his book PPSD).

The idea behind the magnetic pulsers is that they are not used 24/7 but perhaps an hour a day in order to try and somehow dislodge the attached Neg and therefore remove the subtle Em field causing the problem - fighting fire with fire. Which is why they are finding that Em pulses are making some cancerous growths to stop growing and eventually heal (see Esquire 1975 article linked in earlier post). My (and RB's i think) thoughts on this are that because the negs are somehow Em in nature that a strong Em field may be able to affect them and disrupt their activities and attachment points.