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Thread: yum. dream fruit!

  1. #1
    stargazer Guest

    yum. dream fruit!

    Any time I have eaten food in dreams, it has tasted bland. It is only in particularly lucid dreams that I have been able to engage the sense of smell, so I think it is related. I have read in other places that the sense of smell is not located in the area of the brain that falls asleep... a sort of waking alarm in case of fire, etc.

    So when a sense of smell occurs, I link it strongly with an astral experience.

    My most powerful OBE was a transition from a dream state into an extremely lucid OBE partially in the RTZ and the thing that made me go lucid was the smell of cigarette smoke in a house... not only could I smell cigarette smoke but it seemed to pervade every cell in my being, as if I could smell EVERY cigarette that had ever been smoked in that room. It was a very blunt sensation and one that made me go crystal-clear lucid in the experience, making me realize I was not awake or in a dream, but actually OOB (among other things).

    Anyways I was having a dream the other night that I was in this massive grocery store... it had clothing, too, like a dream Wal-Mart.

    I think I was in that markety section of the astral, honestly... because there was this one display where you could try samples, and there was this fruit that looked like a sectioned orange displayed on a bed of crushed ice, so I picked up a piece and tried it... It was really delicious, and interestingly tasted like no fruit I've ever had before. It had a heavy, spicy sweetness to it like a pumpkin or a squash but it was definitely citrus-y. Yum! Vitamin D!

    That combination of being able to taste something very clearly, and it tasting like nothing that existed on earth (that I knew of) makes me think I had a little stroll into the "astral market" plane.

    Anyone else taste things in dreams?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Yes. When I was younger and anorexic (really) I would dream of eating brownies and pie and all my favorite 'forbidden' foods. I would actually wake up with the taste in my mouth.
    Now I'm fifty and fat. I think I was having precog dreams.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    stargazer Guest
    I think I'll take contentment and brownies any day!

  4. #4
    CF said
    I think I was having precog dreams.
    For years I have had wonderful dreams of eating yummy pastries of all kinds. My dreams weren't precog, they were trying to tell me of a problem. I finally caught on to it about a month or so ago. I stopped eating white flour and refined sugar and I feel so much better!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    I so often have the experience of being denied food in dreams. When I actually get it, I wake up really happy

    Now I'm fifty and fat. I think I was having precog dreams.
    CF, you keep cracking me up lately!
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #6
    Triot Guest
    In lucid dream food and drinks has a much better and clearer taste
    than in real life. Been making spaghetti and drinking beer in a
    shopping mall. In dreams there is no taste or it's flat or empty.
    Chocolate taste like rubber.

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