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Thread: XPERTS pls help

  1. #1
    ommidikra Guest

    XPERTS pls help

    I usually dont get the time 2 try projecting during d day due 2 work & studies... So i often sleep early & wake up at 4 or so in d morning..........

    Now i sleepover again after an hour or so But as i lie on my back while sleeping again i feel higly uncomfortable & all mybody muscles start acheing & i finally give up & turn over 2 d sides......

    the problem is that i cant stay focussed if i turn 2 d sides though i keep getting 4-5 dreams but they arent lucid & hence uncontrollable....

    I think this is a sleeping position problem ??????????
    Why shud we always lie on our back while realaxing & projecting????
    Can pls anybody help..????


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: XPERTS pls help

    Quote Originally Posted by ommidikra
    Now i sleepover again after an hour or so But as i lie on my back while sleeping again i feel higly uncomfortable & all mybody muscles start acheing & i finally give up & turn over 2 d sides......
    You could try using a recliner for those last two hours.

    I think this is a sleeping position problem ??????????

    Why shud we always lie on our back while realaxing & projecting????
    Who said you should? Robert says again and again that you should be relaxed enough to be in trance but not relaxed enough to pass out. Everyone has their 'sweet position' to project, and it's not written in stone what that should be. I project reclined, and that's what works best for me. Find what works best for you.

    regards, CF
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    orbit1 Guest

    Re: XPERTS pls help

    Quote Originally Posted by ommidikra
    Why shud we always lie on our back while realaxing & projecting????
    If I remember correctly, Robert Monroe could only sleep/project while lying on his side. Robert Bruce (again, if remembered correctly) can only project while on his back. So it depends on the person.



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