My crown and brow center are always active. I feel like I have static electricity all over my hair. Sometimes it feels like things are falling onto my head. I see aura colours all the time, I can't actually see auras naturally, but colours almost always have their aura colour glowing lightly over it.

My awareness of myself has increase to the point I am aware of myself (mind, body AND soul) as one single multi-dimensional sphere of energy. I have gained an inner body awareness, just inside and under my physical body. I also have developed an outer awareness above and slightly forward of my physical.

I can use this inner body awareness to slow down time (or my perception of it), everything including me becomes like a thick liquid flowing through time. I can also use this inner awareness to put myself into trance instantly.

The outer awareness speeds time up, I can make everything speed up really fast, including myself and my mind. I don't have to alter time with this though, if I focus solely on my body while holding time still I feel like I'm being lifted up and forwards, I'm so much lighter and I walk with chest out and head held high as though I'm lifted from just above and infront. If I push this even further I can focus further I can relinquish control of my physical body to my subconscious. Everything including me feels so light and small, and everything just happens around me.

When tranced I have no doubts if I do this I will project instantly. I can project my hands at will as it is, but I have much more awareness of them than any other part of my body, but my awareness is growing everyday.

I don't need to be sat with my closed to these things, I'm not one for meditation, all is done fully consciously.

Another thing is this crazy waving sensation running through my body. It's like my spine has turned into a snake. These beautiful waves flow through my whole body, I move like a tai chi master and can fight like one as well. My subconscious takes over automatically, it just comes from me on instinct, a beautiful flowing spiraling perfect deflection. I find my hands flowing towards things and gracefully touching them and doing whatever I'm doing using the perfect amount of pressure in every touch. I have never in my life practiced tai chi or martial arts, and after only two or three days of growing awareness this happens.

When I lift my head back, and align all my energy centers the waving down my spine can become very strong. I can't relax, it takes over and I stand slowly spiraling my hips and spine (not to a point it looks stupid though).

I just want to know whats happening to me.
