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Thread: Kundalini rising

  1. #11
    Maristha Guest

    Kundalini and meds?

    I would like to ask if anyone had a similar experience with meds?
    I took prescriptions meds for depression for many years. I stopped taking it in April 2006. Started to have the K surges, then had a “breakdown” in Oct 2006. Doctor promptly put me back on anti-depressants + sleeping tablets. During the following months, when I realised I was having an awakening, I started to work through the many blockages I had. Most of the time I was all over the place, too much happening at once – hot, cold, energy rushing up but stopping at the chest/throat. The energy surges seemed out of control and I experienced a lot of anxiety because I felt a runaway train was inside me. Interestingly my feet were ice cold all the time – I was not grounded. Trying to ground myself and moving the energy down had little effect. Just thinking of my feet would activate the energy – upwards!
    I started to feel I should stop taking the meds. This did not go down well with my friends and doctor, but I went ahead and slowly decreased the meds over 1 month. Then I stopped taking it altogether at once (anti-dep + sleep tabs) That was not the plan, but I seemed to keep on forgetting to take it. Bad days followed. As expected, I slept poorly at night. But also had extremely frightening nightmares. This was the adjustment period. Then the K went to sleep. That was rather disappointing. Just as I was getting used to it!
    Luckily after about a month, it started again. This time around went better. Now I knew what was happening, I was more relaxed about it. I do energy work daily and stimulate the energy up and down. Now I don’t feel much pain, but rather a huge pressure, usually in my head. The energy surges up, at times out of my crown (feels like fingers growing out of my head) but subsides again.
    My question is, has anyone had a similar experience with meds “locking” you in a development stage?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    At the bottom of the garden
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    Re: Kundalini and meds?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maristha
    I took prescriptions meds for depression for many years. I stopped taking it in April 2006. Started to have the K surges, then had a “breakdown” in Oct 2006.
    Yeah, I had that happen. I didn't know what the heck Kundalini was, though (my awakening - and yes, I'm sure now that that's what it was - was entirely spontaneous but I believe it was the result of a prayer/intention on my part).

    Quote Originally Posted by Maristha
    Most of the time I was all over the place, too much happening at once – hot, cold, energy rushing up but stopping at the chest/throat. The energy surges seemed out of control and I experienced a lot of anxiety because I felt a runaway train was inside me. Interestingly my feet were ice cold all the time – I was not grounded. Trying to ground myself and moving the energy down had little effect. Just thinking of my feet would activate the energy – upwards!
    My experiences weren't quite the same because I didn't know diddly squat about energy work, but I did have all kinds of ungrounded energy around me. I used to blow out the lights regularly, and sometimes the car wouldn't start if I was particularly upset. Television used to do weird things, too, and frequently the computer went weird on me. I'm sure it was me doing it, and it came and went, but was far more noticible if I was upset.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maristha
    But also had extremely frightening nightmares.
    I used to get horrific nightmares, but it didn't have anything to do with medication. Although Prozac did give me very WEIRD sleep disturbances. Like sitting up in bed, eyes open, having a conversation in my sleep and me not remembering it the next day...

    I haven't been on any sort of psychiatric medication for many years, and I didn't know anything about energy work or Kundalini when I was, so I can't help on the meds question. But yes, my experience with Kundalini seems somewhat similar to yours in some ways (except that it took years to settle down and years to recover from; there was a great deal of healing and work to be done and Kundalini was, apparently, determined to see that it got done!).
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by OlderWiser
    I often get messages that are very brief. Just a word or two, or a name. And then I know I need to go find out what it means, and so off I go to Google and the library and to find out what it is I'm supposed to know.

    I actually kind of like it, though. I've always been good at research and I really enjoy it, so giving me a word or two and sending me off on a quest, often quite guided, pretty much suits me.

    I learn the most interesting stuff.... I happened upon these forums because of a phrase I was given. (And it wasn't "astral projection", surprisingly enough.)

    So I would say that having a word or two ... it's kind of like being given a key. You just have to go find all the doors you can open with it.

    i got a nice message the other morning while raising energy- a voice said to me
    "our house is the house of your house"
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

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