thank you for answering my question. i've read about energy pathways before, but as i was not aware that one existed for me, because of all the blindness, i didn't know how to reach out for it or utilize it.

i suppose i'll try out feeling my physical body while i'm out, this will hopefully connect my there was one time when i just really tried to be focus, like the feeling of opening your eyes as wide as you can, and i thought i saw a dream-like version of my hands, but because this experience came mid-way through another dream, i thought it was possible that i was only dreaming. i'm still not sure about that particular experience, although it was very vivid, and i normally don't have vivid dreams.

i apologize for asking quesitons you've heard a million times, i'm just very new to this, and i will certainly get reading, but was it possible that even though i'm just this energy seperate from my body, that while out i could still see myself...i.e my hands...because that's what my mind is use to seeing?...a memory/assumption of of a body makes it so?