I think I'm just going to meditate for a while to get a good foundation going. Just a simple meditation on my breath going in and out of my nose. Perhaps I'll also meditate on the feeling of my breath entering and exiting my lungs. I am also taking measures to change my thought patterns throughout the day. When I start to begin a thought pattern that is destructive or for any reason whatsoever I want to eliminate, I stop it in its tracks and affirm my Oneness with God. Once I got a good foundation going, I'll begin energy work. Good idea?
That's exactly what I do when I'm at my best, akashik610. I call that set of practices metaprogramming, reprogramming yourself, I think that's one of the best ways to focus on a strong foundation! Meditation is the best all-round practice I've found, by far.

Korpo said:

The beginning is often the hardest - overcoming inertia and picking up speed in another direction requires more energy than just to keep going. Over time results accumulate and become significant while resistance lessens.
I couldn't put it better and the key words are, "over time." Be consistent over time for a good foundation, and you won't just have results, you'll have high quality results!. Keeping calendars and schedules help a lot here too, in my experience.