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Thread: Third eye

  1. #21
    Caelrie Guest

    Re: Third eye

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo
    Quote Originally Posted by Caelrie
    I think I just overdid it. I meant to only do it for ten minutes, like Bardon suggested. But I lost track of time and when I thought it had been about ten minutes and broke my trance, two hours had passed.
    Setting an alarm timer might be a good idea.

    LOL my thoughts exactly. Next time I do it I'm definitely setting a timer.

  2. #22
    Caelrie Guest

    Re: Third eye

    Hmm, ever since this rather painful incident, I've been attaining lucidity in my dreams without even trying. That's new for me. I always had to use some sort of trick like reality checking to attain lucidity before. I hope this continues! One piece of weirdness pops up, though. I call out to a guide and ask to speak to him or her, and a man shows up. Thing is, although I can remember the rest of the dream with ease, I can't seem to remember what it is he tells me. I dunno what to think of that.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Re: Third eye

    Two suggestions:

    Write down everything you can remember about that dream. Then sit down, and try to remember every experience within the dream. What you saw. What you heared. What you ... smelled? Tune into it more and more until you start reliving it more and more. Relive it back to the point you missed. If you perceive something, snap out of it, write it down, start over. This is similar to what Bruce Moen recommends for memories lost in "state-specific memory", for trance, dream, phasing and projection experiences. In order to remember you often have to remember your way back into the state, to tune in.

    Sometimes we experience a clickout. Then it may just be that the actual experience will download and be available in the right time when you are ready, if the above does not help.

    Take good care,

  4. #24
    Caelrie Guest

    Re: Third eye

    Thanks, Korpo. I tried your suggestions, but they didn't help. Like you say, I'll probably remember it sometime in the future.

    As an update, my lucidity in dreaming stopped. I still haven't started working on that center again yet, trying to give it time to do what it's going to do and balance out. I'm experiencing some pretty dramatic side effects, though. On the positive side (maybe, I dunno), I'm starting to "see" things every time I lie down. They only last about a second each time, but I'm getting extremely vivid scenes of people or places. I don't seem to have much control over it, and it's definitely not hypnagogics, because I know what those look and feel like and while it's happening I can feel the pressure on my third eye again. I'm slowly getting the idea that it's actually me breaking off the visions because even though it keeps happening, the realness of it startles me each time and I pull away. It feels like remote viewing.

    Along the same lines, I'm starting to hear things too. Couple nights ago I heard a man in my bedroom whining that he was always hungry. I've also heard very non-human voices talking about me or discussing me. These things I'm hearing never talk TO me though.

    On the bad side, I could use some advice from those of you more experienced with this stuff. It's really wiping me out. I'm sleeping nearly all of my free time away and I'm still tired anyway. I try to raise energy and then leave it in my sub-naval center to help mitigate it, but it's not really helping. I still make sure to work on my hands and feet, arms and legs every day, and my base center, but I'm not sure that's doing anything to help this. Is this going to go away once the energy pathways I've activated stop drawing so much juice? Is there anything else I can do to mitigate this exhaustion?

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Third eye

    Quote Originally Posted by Caelrie
    Thanks, Korpo. I tried your suggestions, but they didn't help. Like you say, I'll probably remember it sometime in the future.

    As an update, my lucidity in dreaming stopped. I still haven't started working on that center again yet, trying to give it time to do what it's going to do and balance out. I'm experiencing some pretty dramatic side effects, though. On the positive side (maybe, I dunno), I'm starting to "see" things every time I lie down. They only last about a second each time, but I'm getting extremely vivid scenes of people or places. I don't seem to have much control over it, and it's definitely not hypnagogics, because I know what those look and feel like and while it's happening I can feel the pressure on my third eye again. I'm slowly getting the idea that it's actually me breaking off the visions because even though it keeps happening, the realness of it startles me each time and I pull away. It feels like remote viewing.
    It is. This happens to me when I do short meditations. I spoke to Robert about this last year, and he told me they're mini-OBEs. You're there for a millisecond and then you're here. Sometimes three and four times. This used to surprise me but I'm now used to it. It's just development happening. This is accompanied with your next symptom.

    Along the same lines, I'm starting to hear things too. Couple nights ago I heard a man in my bedroom whining that he was always hungry. I've also heard very non-human voices talking about me or discussing me. These things I'm hearing never talk TO me though.
    This also happens to me when I have the mini-OBEs. I have also, from observing (or 'paying attention') have isolated about three voices now, and they are now starting to talk to me. It's almost like you're eavesdropping, but it's just development also. After about a year of this, I've begun to see who it is when I project. Imagine having guides and not noticing them until 15 years later! The more you notice the more you will be able to discern the guides from just noise. The good news (maybe) it's that this doesn't happen all the time- you go through waves of this happening more than other times, and other more 'normal' projections happen at other times. At least it does for me.
    On the bad side, I could use some advice from those of you more experienced with this stuff. It's really wiping me out. I'm sleeping nearly all of my free time away and I'm still tired anyway. I try to raise energy and then leave it in my sub-naval center to help mitigate it, but it's not really helping. I still make sure to work on my hands and feet, arms and legs every day, and my base center, but I'm not sure that's doing anything to help this. Is this going to go away once the energy pathways I've activated stop drawing so much juice? Is there anything else I can do to mitigate this exhaustion?
    Sleep a lot and keep energy raising. And if you're as exhausted as you sound (whew!) supplement your diet (omega 3 works for me) and stop doing any type of meditative work (energy work is fine) for a few weeks- when you sleep, welcome unconsciousness. No trying to recall dreams, no introspective work. If you can do it.
    This will pass, I promise.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #26
    Caelrie Guest

    Re: Third eye

    Thanks, CT.


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