Quote Originally Posted by asalantu
Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
You guys crack me up... that's all I'm going to say.
¿Perhaps, because you knows all thing (material or conceptual) at this world is no more than an illusion; then, all ethical concern about fast enrichment is a nonsense..?

My best regards,
Hola Ángel.
You asked me before why I found the convo so amusing, and I didn't answer because I couldn't put my finger on why exactly. It's not that there is anything wrong about being concerned about the ethics of getting something material from something apparently immaterial at all- we do it all the time and don't even think about it. Even though I am one of those people who believe that this material existence is but a speck in infinity; but at the same time also believe that life is precious and a gift and that we should do the most we are capable of doing to make it as best as possible for ourselves as for others- love, beauty, and all that.
It's just that I'm not that interested in the mechanics of whether I can manifest a dollar in my pants, whether it comes from the potential for the money to be there, or from someone else's quantum tunnel as the result of some sort of wormhole manifested by need or will. Just can't get into it.
Sorry if I offended anyone- my chuckle was almost involuntary, too bad it was noticed.