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Thread: Trip home

  1. #1

    Trip home

    This morning (at my 9am appointment lol) I came out of dreamstate into projection. I found myself looking into the stars and being compelled (or shown) to go home.My mind reached deeply into the stars and I catapulted into space very fast. I could found myself talking to myself, guiding my way home. Travelling for about 2 mins very fast, and so quickly stars wizzed past like nothing.As I got close I saw a pair of twin stars or planets- and said to myself "theres the twins, not long now.....(after about 10 secs).. ahhh there is it" home. At this point I got an attunement with fire-(I was stuck in some sort of suit and surrounded by heat) then I got turned onto my head and was attuned with water. (same thing except the suit was in water and I was upside down-which was a little disconcerting for the first few seconds lol)

    Interesting trip.. home

    Peace Dk
    "The lightest and nimblest will rise fastest"

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  2. #2
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    Re: Trip home
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Trip home

    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Re: Trip home

    How did it feel "to be home"? I do not mean the attunements, but the general feeling of just being there...

    Be well,

  5. #5

    Re: Trip home

    Idk if this has ne thing to do with what your posting, but basically every star has a 2nd star that obrits it. Binary stars.


  6. #6

    Re: Trip home

    Hi Oliver,

    Its kinda of hard to describe- it was just complete silence when traveling thru space,the only thing I could here was my own voice. If you have seen the movie "the fountain" when the guy is meditating in space thinking out loud- thats what the space travel was like. As I got closer it got very euphoric.... It was like I remembered through feeling where I came from and the sacrifices made and too come- there was an sense of gratitude for the ability to give to something greater than yourself- that gratitude being unconditional love given to all that exists (the universe's,entities, and all that is) for the it/them just being there- and in return offering all that you had as service to all that is unconditionally.. and loosing yourself in a sea of thanks- like you are being turned inside out via your heart charkra and being lost in gratitude and letting go of everything.

    JS- I didnt know that? Everything was flying past so fast the bright objects-whether stars/planets/or galaxies I couldnt really tell. They seemed to be going everywhere lol some spiraling past in circles others seemed still. I dont know much about the stars- I can only relate what I saw

    An interesting note though is replaying the sequence in my head my body must have been massive, as the dimensions of the stars seemed alot smaller than when I have found myself in space other times.
    "The lightest and nimblest will rise fastest"

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